Tutorial 2D collision detection








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A 2d collision detection tutorial,including a C implementation.first draft, please email comments!Ulf Ekstr¨omulfek@ifm.liu.seJuly 12, 20021 Introduction improve it later on, but for now it will suffice.This tutorial tries to explain a commonly used ap-proach to 2d collision detection for use in games. A 2.1 The bitmaskspecial ’mask’ is created for each sprite, and is usedIn the following discussion we assume a 32-bit ma-for the overlap detection. This method is suitablechine, but the same points are valid for 16 or 64 bitsfor pre-rendered or hand-drawn graphics as it givesaswell. Abitmaskisessentiala1bitperpixelimage,pixel-perfect collision detection. The method is alsoand to store the bitmask we use a struct likepretty fast and does not slow down the game notica-struct bitmask{bly when compared to other existing methods.int width, height;The method has been commonly used in gamesunsigned long *bits;ever since the days of the Commodore 64, and is well}; .understood even though the actual implementationcan be a bit tricky to get right. A GPL’d implemen- The bits pointer is used to access the actual mask.tation of the ideas in this tutorial can be found at on Each line of bits in the mask requires a whole num-1the internet . ber of int’s, to speed up the intersection tests we aredoing later. The remaining bits are set to 0. Assum-ing we have allocated some memory for the bits it is2 How to know when things now easy to set and clear bits in the mask ...
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A 2d collision detection tutorial, including a C implementation. first draft, please email comments!
UlfEkstro¨m ulfek@ifm.liu.se July 12, 2002
1 Introductionimprove it later on, but for now it will suffice. This tutorial tries to explain a commonly used ap-proach to 2d collision detection for use in games.A2.1 Thebitmask special ’mask’ is created for each sprite, and is used In the following discussion we assume a 32-bit ma-for the overlap detection.This method is suitable chine, but the same points are valid for 16 or 64 bits for pre-rendered or hand-drawn graphics as it gives as well.A bitmask is essential a 1 bit per pixel image, pixel-perfect collision detection.The method is also and to store the bitmask we use a struct like pretty fast and does not slow down the game notica-struct bitmask{ bly when compared to other existing methods. int width, height; The method has been commonly used in games unsigned long *bits; ever since the days of the Commodore 64, and is well };. understood even though the actual implementation can be a bit tricky to get right.A GPL’d implemen-Thebitspointer is used to access the actual mask. tation of the ideas in this tutorial can be found at onEach line of bits in the mask requires a whole num-1 the internet. berof int’s, to speed up the intersection tests we are doing later.The remaining bits are set to 0.Assum-ing we have allocated some memory for the bits it is 2 Howto know when thingsnow easy to set and clear bits in the mask using the bitwise AND and OR operators.The idea is to set all collide ’solid’ bits to 1 and all the unoccupied bits to 0.In practice this means that we use an alpha channel or The heart of the problem we are trying to solve goes a special magic color to mark the transparent areas something like:There are some sprites in the game, of the images.It is also possible to OR a mask on each one with a mask and a position.We would like top of another mask in a fast way, which can be used to determine if these sprites have collided, and pos-to construct a large mask out of smaller ’brushes’. sibly some details of the collision such as the point Masks created in this way are pretty memory-of intersection.We begin by checking each pair of efficient. Theyrequire only a little more than a bit sprites to see if they overlap.This method has it’s per pixel of the original image, which is typically 16 problems with a large number of sprites, and we will or 32 times less than the memory used for the actual 1 www.ifm.liu.se/ulfek/project/bitmask-1.0.tar.gzimage.
2.2 Detectinga collision2.4 Computingthe area of intersec-tion We have now created bitmask for our sprites and To know how ’severe’ the collision is it is nice to know want to know if they actually collide.Again we shall the number of overlapping bits, or pixels in the sprite use the bitwise AND (&) operator, together with images. Thisis easily added to our original collision shifts (andin C). The idea is to identify the detection function by counting the bits in all nonzero common area of the two masks, and then perform a overlap tests.A fast bitcount function is used for this bitwise AND to check if they share a common ’1’-purpose, and results in a function that is perhaps 50% bits. Thisway we can check 32 bits at a time which as fast as the original collision detection routine.We speeds up the test enormously.Once we find an over-obviously only need to count the bits if a collision has lap we can return from the function since it is now been detected and is interesting for game purposes, clear that the sprites have collided.The first thing so the overall impact of using this approach is very to check is however if the bounding rectangles of the small. masks intersect at all.Since most pairs of sprites doesn’t overlap at a given time we will perform many 2.5 Determiningan angle of collision such bounding-box tests and thus need them to be very fast. A very robust way to determine the angle at which It is clear that the most computationally expensivethe sprites collided can be had from the gradient of case is the one where the sprites are so close thatthe overlap area.Calculate the gradient of the over-their bounding boxes overlap, but not so close thatlap areaf(x, y), wherexandyare the differences in there is an actual collision.We then need to examineposition of the two sprites. each overlapping line of the masks, only to find that there is no collision.Depending on the type of games rf(x, y)(f(x+1, y)f(x1, y), f(x, y+1)f(x, y1)) it may therefore be a bad idea to use a very large (1) ’background’ mask, if it’s mostly empty.For most This gradient vector will point in the direction cases there will however be no performance problems. where the overlap increases the most, and this can be used as the normal vector of the collision.Over-all this method is very good at finding good looking normals, and has very few weaknesses.It does how-ever require four calls to the overlap area function, 2.3 Findinga point of intersection and can therefor be a bit expensive.It should only be used when actually needed. By modifying the above code slightly we can find the coordinates of the first point where the masks over-lap, counting top-down, left to right.In the bitmasktricks and tips2.6 Some implementation of this tutorial this is done by ex-Sometimes you don’t actually need pixel-perfect de-amining the bits of the single unsigned int that was tection. Ifyour games runs at very high resolution found by the collision detection algorithm above. you may not need more precision than, say, 4 pixels. A possible problem is that the point found by thisIn this case you can create masks at this resolution algorithm isn’t really the ’best’ point from the gameand use them for the collision detection.Just re-point of view.It would perhaps be better if one couldmemeber to scale your sprite coordinates by the same find the center of the overlapping area.This has how-amount.. ever not been implemented, and would probably re-Your game might be more fun to play if the masks quire substantially more CPU time.are a little smaller than the sprite image, or if you use
the overlap area to apply only a little damage to thedifferent frames of the game.The method alterna-player if the overlap is small.An automatic way totively sorts byxandycoordinate, and stops when get this effect it to set all bits that borders on a 0 biteach group is small enough to check with the all-pairs to 0.This will also remove unwanted noise from theapproach, or when it seems impossible to partition masks. Onthe other hand you may want to detectthe sprites further.It works by selecting a divisor, a collision before they are visible on screen, in whichcoordinate by which to partition the sprites.Sprites case you can grow the masks a little bit.entirely to the left (or above) of the divisor are placed As a general guideline it is wise not to store eachfirst in the array, while sprites entirely to the right (or overlap in a list, but instead use function pointers orbelow) are places at the end.In between are sprites object oriented techniques to handle each collision aswhich intersect the divisor. it is detected.This leads to cleaner and faster code, at least in my experience.[unsortedsprites][L, I, R] (2) Note that the mask does nothaveto be the shape We know that the sprites in groupsLandRcannot of an actual sprite image.In a pseudo-3d game like intersect since they are on different sides of the divi-Diablo or Baldurs Gate it is best to use a special mask sor. Hopefullyboth these groups contains about the based on how the sprites look from above. same number of sprites, and the undecidedI-group should be as small as possible.It is now possible to partition the groups further if is seems profitable.An 3 Howto know when they stayadvantage of this method is that it handles arbitary sprite positions and sizes, and that it does not re-apart quire any dynamic memory allocation, and does not require a complete sorting of the sprites.The method We now know how to find collisions, and while that’s is much faster than a static grid, at least for a mod-the primary point of this tutorial there is another side erate number of moving sprites. of the story which is just as important when there is a large number of objects in the game.The ’problem’ is that most of these objects does not overlap.Using 4 Othermethods the method above we would still have to test each and every pair of sprites.With 200 sprites in the game If you have a lot of dynamic geometry I suggest you this means 20000 pairs, and that is a bit much even if use a vector-based collision detection scheme.This we can discard most of the pairs at the bounding-box may or may not lead to a faster game — on one hand stage. Butthere are better ways! it may be more elegant and you might be able to do One obvious (depending on the game) improve-more advanced things like having freely rotating ob-ment is that we only need to consider moving sprites.jects; on the other hand it is highly non-trivial to get We keep two groups, one moving and one static, andworking correctly, and it may be harder to produce only test moving vs moving and moving vs static.contours from the sprite images in an automatic fash-The static sprites can even be placed in a 2d grid toion. Formore information on this subject I suggest easily find possible candidates for collision.Another youlook for 3d collision detection schemes and try solution may be to not check every groups of spritesto convert them down to 2d.See the net for a lot of vs itself.If it is decided that bullets cannot hit eachinfo on this subject. other then a lot of tests can be avoided.It may also be nice to use RLE encoded masks. A general and effective solution is to separate theThis require a special compilation stage after the sprites by their position.I have used a quicksort-mask have been created, and makes the masks ef-inspired algorithm which gave good performance forfectively read-only.It may however speed up testing a few hundred sprites.It uses an array of pointersof very large masks, and is probably worth a closer to the sprites which can be largely recycled betweenlook.
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