SUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden March 1999SUAVE: VHDL Extensionsfor System-Level ModelingPeter J. AshendenDept Computer ScienceUniversity of Adelaide, 1999In a Nutshell ...• VHDL is a standard hardware descriptionlanguage, and is good for– register transfer level and behavioral modeling– structural modeling• SUAVE makes it better!– at what it’s already good for– and for modeling large complex systems• SAVANT and University of AdelaideVHDL Extensions– SAVANT: Standard Analyzer of VHDL Applicationsfor Next-generation Technology•Phil Wilsey, U. CincinnatiSUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden - March 1999 21SUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden March 1999Current Design FlowsASICVHDL VITALRequirements Detailed RTL gate? SynthSpecification Design model netlistFPGASimulation Simulation 4TestBenchSUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden - March 1999 3Future Design FlowsRequirements TestTestSpecification BenchSystem Design/codeDesign Synths/wmodelCosimulationCosimulation//SystemSystem Partition Simulation 4Formal ProofmodelASICsh/wDesign/Perf. RTLmodelSynth modelAnalysisFPGASUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden - March 1999 42SUAVE Tutorial: Peter Ashenden March 1999High-Level Modeling• System-level models– describe behavior of complex systems at a highlevel of abstraction• Test benches– manage complex data sets and test sequences• It’s really software engineering!SUAVE Tutorial: Peter ...