Sensor Mining at work: Principles and a Water QualityCase Study(SIGMOD06 Tutorial proposal)Christos Faloutsos Jeanne VanbriesenSchool of Computer Science, Department of Civil andCarnegie Mellon University Environmental EngineeringCarnegie Mellon Universitychristos@cs.cmu.edujeanne@cmu.edu1. INTENDED DURATION cation.3 hours3. INTENDED AUDIENCEResearchers and practitioners that want a concise, intu-2. MOTIVATION - BASIC INFORMATIONitive overview of the major tools in sensor mining, motivatedHow can we nd patterns in a collection of measurements,by the vital problem of water quality monitoring.say, on water quality sensors? Is the water safe to drink?Are we under biological attack? How many sensors do weneed to place, and where? 4. COVERAGEThe instructors have been collaborating on exactly theseproblems for the past 3 years. The tutorial will report our Problem de nition [Faloutsos]experiences. Speci cally, the tutorial surveys the related ar-eas and has two goals: (a) to review the main principles and Main tools [Faloutsos]main data base tools for sensor data analysis (b) to show-{ Time series and Forecastingcase them on a real, important application, namely drinkingwater quality. Time series indexing and feature extractionThe rst part will examine the state of the art in time se- Fourier, Wavelets, Time Warpingries indexing and mining. We will cover feature extraction, Linear forecasting, ARIMA, recursive leastpowerful tools from signal ...