SQL on Call Security Audit A ro u nd th e c lo ck Policy Review – SQL on Call will make M o ni to ri ng sure that your Security Policy is solid, if you do not have a Security Policy, we SQL on Call servers will watch recommend one and we can help to put it your servers. You have a DBA in place. on Call. SQL Injection – It’s an attack that keeps growing and morphing. SQL on Call will E xp e rt S ta ff show you how to avoid it. Our staff will become your staff. Identify – SQL on Call will show you We have SQL Server MVP’s, where your data is vulnerable and how to protect that data from malicious attacks. book authors, public speakers, Best Practices – SQL on Call will report educators and conference chairs. where your systems may not meet with the best practices that should be followed. Confident Our staff will make sure that you are confident in your SQL Server. This will allow you to A professional service with a personal touch, our staff spend your time working on the Security is of the utmost importance to SQL on Call. Our will quickly integrate with your team. Our Pro-Active clients do not want to have to send out a letter to their issues that are the most Maintenance client has a Primary DBA and a important to your company. customers stating their data has been put in jeopardy. Secondary DBA assigned to them. With our staff SQL on Call will look at your SQL Servers and show you working closely with your ...