Ruby-EFL tutorialIntroductionA few da ys ago, I was looking on the Intern et for a new program ming language to le arn. I used to program with Java but I wanted s omething a t least as clean (not lik e C nor C+ +), which can use native l ibraries easil y and w hich i mplements “ new” progra mming conc epts (the kind of thing I already discover ed in L isp for instance). That's wh y I w as happ y to find out RUBY . To be honest, I hesitated with P ython, but af ter read ing som e user co mments I dec ided to give RUBY a tr y.Ruby is a reall y interest ing langu age and after having tried som e basics progra ms, I w anted to add a decent UI (User Interfa ce). Bind ings are provided for ma ny too lkits such as QT , GTK, TK... But I wanted a graphi cal interfa ce eas y to progra m and mo re ga me-orien ted. There is also m any choices (bindings) ava ilable such as OpenGl, SD L or EFL. The two first are well- known but the latter obviousl y is not. However , th is tutori al wil l help y ou understanding and u sing Rub y with EFL.EFL stands for Enl ightenment Foundation L ibraries ( see http: //www .enlight enment.or g). It is a set of com ponents used b y enl ightenment desktop (e17) which can be used tot ally independen tly. For m ore inform ation on the role of ea ch co mponent, y ou m ay read the docu mentation at the address m entioned above. H owever it is not necessar y to understand this tu torial.I chose EFL bec ause it is designed to be ef ficient ...