How to set up a router to share you broadband connectionow that you've broadband at home, here's how to set up a router toconnect your Macs and PCs. Shopping for routers is quite a choreNespecially for us Mac users. Ask questions, surf the net check out Apple discussion boards, do yourhomework. If you can afford it, the Apple base station and airport cards isdefinitely the way to go. It's probably easiest to set up but bear in mind itcosts a lot more. Being a glutton for punishment and cheap, I opted for oneof those other routers whose manufacturers which don't provide any supportand documentation for Macs at all.They don't even mention Macs on theirboxes! You may see MAC on the box but…read on. One sales associate at a prominent store pointed that out on the box and wastrying to convince me that they did support Macs. Now, don't confuse thiswith MAC(all uppercase) that you might see on the boxes. MAC stands forMedia Access Control it is your computer's unique hardware number .If youwant to know more about that, click on and typeMAC in the search fieldBelow is a picture of the router that John Schreck recommended, it was onsale at compUSA for $80. The model # is the !BEFW11S4.o you open the box take it out and as expected there are no instructionsfor Macs. On the back of the router you will find 5 RJ45 ports. OneSwill have WAN over it, the other will say LAN over it. No need toget into what that means to set this router up. ...