Quattor tutorial








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quattor NCM componentsintroduction tutorialGerman CancioCERN IT/FIOGerman.Cancio@cern.ch‹„‹„‹ContentsPreparationNCM ‘theory’Components – what are they, how to run themPackagingNCM exercisesDisclaimer:This is not a full quattor tutorial, but an introduction to the NCM framework. In particular, neither CDB/pan, nor SWRep/SPMA, nor AII are covered. A basic understanding of the PAN language is recommended.Quattor NCM tutorial – German.Cancio@cern.ch - n° 2„‹„„‹„‹„PreparationLogin onto your ‘worker node’ (see whiteboard) as rootPlease download the following tar.gz file, and uncompress it in your $HOME directory (~root):cd ~wget http://cern.ch/quattor/documentation/tutorials/cern-0404/ncm-tutorial.tgztar xvfz ncm-tutorial.tgzRun the setup script:~/ncm-tutorial/bin/tutorial_setup.shshould print [OK]Quattor NCM tutorial – German.Cancio@cern.ch - n° 3PXE DHCP KS/JSPackages(rpm, pkg)http nfs ftpNCM environmentSWRep ServerscachepackagesSPMAMgmt API(RPM, PKG)SPMA.cfgACL’sSPMANCMComponentsNode NCM(re)install?AII serverCdispdPXEMgmt APIhandlingRegistrationCCMNotification ACL’sNodeDHCPInstall handlingKS/JSgeneratorClient NodesCDBCCMQuattor NCM tutorial – German.Cancio@cern.ch - n° 4„‹„„„„‹‹‹„„„‹What are components? (1/2)“Components” (like SUE “features” or LCFG ‘objects’) are responsible for updating local config files, and notifying services if neededComponents do only configure the ...
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quattor NCM components introduction tutorial
German Cancio
ttauQt MCN roGream.nturoai lern.ch-nCancio@c2 °
„Components  what are they, how to run them
‹NCM theory
‹NCM exercises
This is not a full quattor tutorial, but an introduction to the NCM framework. In particular, neither CDB/pan, nor SWRep/SPMA, nor AII are covered. A basic understanding of the PAN language is recommended.
r toatQutotuM NCeG lairnaC.namrcio@cern.ch-n° 3
‹Run the setup script:
„should print[OK]
„cd ~
‹Please download the following tar.gz file, and uncompress it in your $HOME directory (~root):
„tar xvfz ncm-tutorial.tgz
„wget-n/mcls/coria0404ern-atnemucotut/noit/qchn.er/dorttuatpht/c:/ tutorial.tgz
‹Login onto your worker node (see whiteboard) asroot
EXPr NCM tuQuattoeGmrnaC.otirla .crnn°h-cianceo@4 
Node Install
Mgmt API ACLs
NCM environment
Client Nodes
SWRep Servers
Mgmt API ACLs
AII server
Node (re)install?
handling DHCP handling
KS/JS generator
packages (RPM, PKG)
‹Components can be run „manually „via hooks (cron, boot time, etc) „via CERN-CCs notification framework (notd) „ydekocasu iano tamitacll:fngrierguitsatoeir  ntnheeritr interest in codna teg  s ie sortrubs,eed(sieg s dtabaelechan of CCN-ER C) inv
‹to define configuration dependencies between componentsPossible „Eg. configurenetworkbeforesendmail „ontts wonenComps  icyen)ndpeed-erp a fi nur unsatisfied(eg. failing prerequisite component
‹Use standard system facilities (SysV scripts) formanagingservices „Components can notify services using SysV scripts when their configuration changes.
‹features or LCFG objects) are responsible forComponents (like SUE updating local config files, and notifying services if needed
‹Components do onlyconfigurethe system conf „/Uestucal/lsy,s htdhisciomnfpliig)giifel se(.g nitarenero/dna ginatpd ul calog  reges _
What are components? (1/2)
toatNCr tuM ritouQo@cern.ch-n° 5la eGmrnaC.naic
mreG laicnaC.naNCr toatritotuM uQo@cern.ch-n° 6
‹Components are written as Perl OO class instances
What are components? (2/2)
‹Each component has to provide two methods:
„Optional method most of the components wont need to implement it.
„invoked when a component is to be removed
„Mandatory method
„invoked when there was a CDB configuration change or on startup
hcn- °7oic@re.nman.Cancial Ger
„Monitors the config profile, and invokes registered components viancm-ncdif there were changes
‹cdispd(Configuration Dispatch Daemon)
„examining configuration information as cached on theTool for node
How to run components?
„dependency ordering of components
„framework and front-end for executing components (via cron, cdispd, or manually)
‹ncm-ncd(Node Configuration Deployer):
„not described in this tutorial.
QCM tutoruattor N
8 rn.ch-n°ancio@ceC.namreG lairottuM NCr toatQu
my $arch=$config->getValue('/system/architecture); #NVA API
#notify affected (SysV) services if required
if ($changed) {
#(re)generate and/or update local config file(s)
open (myconfig,/etc/myconfig); 
my ($self,$config) = @ ; _
$self->Fail (not supported") unless ($arch eq i386);
system(/sbin/service myservice reload); 
#access configuration information
sub Configure {
Component (simplified) example
‹Most popular methods:
‹allows to access the node profiles configurationThis library (hierarchical structure)
„if ($config->elementExists($path)) {} else {}
„$element=$config->getElement($path); while ($element->hasNextElement()) { my $newel=$element->getNextElement(); ... }
NVA API: configuration access library
Components and CDB profile access
uaQortt °n-hc.n9t tuN MC lGroain.Caerma@cerncio
‹Reporting functions: „$self->log(@array):write @array to components log file „$self->report(@array):write @array to log and stdout. „$self->verbose(@array), $self->debug(level,@array):verbose/debug output
Component support libs
‹Advanced support libraries available (revamped from CERNs SUE): „Configuration file manipulation „Advanced file operations „Process management „Exception management libraries See /opt/edg/lib/perl/LC for details 
Failures of reconfigurations are done using error(..). Components depending on a failed component arenotexecuted.
„$self->warn(@array):writes a[WARN]message, increases # of warnings „$self->error(@array):writes an[ERROR]message, increases # of errors
Quattor NCMtut airoG lamreCan.ioncer@cchn.10-n° 
turoMCt Greai lQor Nuattre.noic@aCcnam.n° 11ch-n
‹ncm-state (/usr/lib/perl/NCM/Components/state.pm)
„Updates a local configuration file(/etc/state.desired) with the nodes production state (production, standby, etc.)
Real component walktrough
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