Non-traditional High-Level Languages for HPC Applications: GNU OctaveJuan Carlos Chaves, Ph.D. SIP On-site at ARL MSRCOhio Supercomputer CenterUsers Group Conference (UGC2006)26 Jun 2006Distribution Statement A: Cleared for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited.1Purpose of This Tutorial• Provide an introduction to the Octave system• Teach how to obtain and configure Octave for your own PC• Teach how to configure, build and install Octave at the HPCMP HPC platforms• Teach how to exploit Octave HPC technology at the HPCMP Centers • Be a concise guide to relevant Octave info on the WebDistribution Statement A: Cleared for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited.2What is Octave?• High-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations initiated and maintained by John W. Eaton (University of Wisconsin)• A stated goal of Octave is to be compatible with MATLAB• Provides a convenient command line interactive interface for solving scientific and technical problems numerically• Has built-in a large collection of mathematical algorithms and convenience functionsDistribution Statement A: Cleared for Public Release. Distribution is unlimited.3Typical uses of Octave• Prototyping: an interactive Octave session becomes a system-prototyping environment rivaling systems such as the well-known MATLAB• Programming language: a powerful but easy to use programming language, mostly compatible with MATLAB, for use in developing ...