1Lab 1 - Counter A project is a collection mechanism for an HDL design under specification or test. Projects in ModelSim ease interaction and are useful for organizing files and specifying simulation settings.The following diagram shows the basic steps for simulating a design within a ModelSim project.Create a projectAdd files to the projectCompile design filesRun simulationDebug resultsThere are two points to remember about projects in ModelSim: You have to create a working library in the project flow. Projects are persistent. In other words, they will open every time you invoke ModelSim unless you specifically close them.ModelSim Tutorial 2 IntroductionIn this lab you will practice creating a project in ModelSim and learn basic VHDL. At a minimum, projects have a work library and a session state that is stored in a .mpf file. A project may also consist of: HDL source files or references to source files other files such as READMEs or other project documentation local libraries references to global librariesDesign files for this lessonThe design for this lab is a simple counter with anassociated testbench. The files can be found on the class website:www-cs.ccny.cuny ...