JouleSort: A Balanced Energy Efficiency BenchmarkSuzanne Rivoire Mehul A. Shah Parthasarathy ChristosKozyrakisRanganathanStanford University HP LabsStanford UniversityHP LabsABSTRACT $2-$4M of up-front costs for cooling equipment [28]. Thesecosts vary depending upon the installation, but they areThe energy e ciency of computer systems is an importantgrowingrapidlyandhavethepotentialeventuallytooutstripconcern in a variety of contexts. In data centers, reducingthecostofhardware[2]. Second,energyusehasimplicationsenergy use improves operating cost, scalability, reliability,fordensity, reliability, andscalability. Asdatacentershouseand other factors. For mobile devices, energy consumptionmore servers and consume more energy, removing heat fromdirectly aects functionality and usability. We propose andthe data center becomes increasingly dicult [27]. SincemotivateJouleSort,anexternalsortbenchmark,forevaluat-the reliability of servers and disks decreases with increasedingtheenergye ciencyofawiderangeofcomputersystemstemperature, the power consumption of servers and otherfrom clusters to handhelds. We list the criteria, challenges,componentslimitstheachievabledensity, whichinturnlim-and pitfalls from our experience in creating a fair energy-its scalability. Third, energy use in data centers is startinge ciency benchmark. Using a commercial sort, we demon-topromptenvironmentalconcernsofpollutionandexcessivestrateaJouleSortsystemthatisover3.5xasenergy-e ...