????OverviewDescribe the concepts and some practical applications of messaging.basic structure of JMS.Write simple JMS messaging code using the publish and subscribe and point-to-point domains.Discuss advanced JMS issues such as guaranteed messaging, transactions, reliability, and recovery.Part 1: Enterprise Messaging and JMSEnterprise messagingApplication A Application BMessage-Messaging API Messaging APIOriented MiddlewareMessaging Clients Messaging ClientsTightly Coupled RPCBusinessBusinessApplication BApplication ARPCRPCClient/ServerClient/ServerBusinessBusinessApplication DApplication CRequires n * (n-1) / 2 connectionsRPCRPCClient/ServerClient/ServerJMS messagingCentralized message serverDecentralized message server (IP multicast)(hub and spoke)Application AJMS ClientJMS RouterJMS JMS ClientClientClientLocal "server"Message ServerLocal "server" Local "server" Local "server"JMS JMS JMS JMS JMS ClientClientClient Client ClientJMS Application B Application C Application DClientThe J2EE platformClient ApplicationJ2EE PlatformApplication EJB Web Client Container ContainerContainerJMS JDBC ServerDatabasePart 2: JMS Concepts and CodingWholesaler and retailer Retailer 1Update price(publish)Message Order productWholesalerServer(send)Retailer 2??????JMS featuresStandard Java APIMessage delivery modesTwo messaging modelsTransactionsReliability ...