Teach YourselfInterBase This tutorial takes you step-by step through the process of creating and using a database using the InterBase Windows ISQL dialog. You learn to create data structures that enforce referential integrity constraints and maintain security. You populate your tables, create triggers and stored procedures, and learn a number of techniques for retrieving the data with precision. There are five parts in this tutorial. In Part I, you learn how to use this tutorial, you start the InterBase server and log in to it, and you create a user and a database. In Part II, you learn the fundamentals of database deisgn and how to work in the InterBase Windows ISQL environment; you create the data structures for your database, and you learn a little about how to recover from errors. In Part III, you put data into the database (ypooup ulate it). In Part IV, you get the data out again (yaccou ess or retrieve it). In Part IV, you work with database security, and create some triggers and stored procedures to automate some of your database tasks.INTERBASE 5 TUTORIAL 1nPART I GETTING STARTED Topic: USING THIS TUTORIALPart I Getting StartedIn Part I, you perform the following actions: Check whether the Local InterBase server is running Start the Local InterBase server Log on to a server from the InterBase Server Manager and create a new user on the server Open InterBase Windows ISQL and create a new database on a server Using this ...