CHREST Tutorial: Simulations of Human LearningFernand Gobet ( of Human Sciences, Brunel University,UXBRIDGE, Middlesex, UB8 3BH, U.K.Peter C. R. Lane ( of Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire,College Lane, HATFIELD, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, U.K.Abstract theory (Chase & Simon, 1973), CHREST implementsthe essential aspects of the template theory (Gobet &CHREST (Chunk Hierarchy and REtrieval STructures)Simon, 2000). In spite of its historical and contempo-is a comprehensive, computational model of humanrary importance, and the diversity of domains in whichlearning and perception. It has been used to success-modelling has been successfully carried out, the num-fully simulate data in a variety of domains, including:the acquisition of syntactic categories, expert behaviour, ber of people who use or understand the principles andconcept formation, implicit learning, and the acquisition operation of an EPAM/CHREST model remains small.of multiple representations in physics for problem solv-The tutorial is structured so that participants will:ing. The aim of this tutorial is to provide participantswith an introduction to CHREST, how it can be used to 1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of themodel various phenomena, and the knowledge to carry CHREST computational model and its relation to theout their own modelling experiments. chunking and template theories of cognition;2. Explore ...