Steps to access VPN for Students 1. Open your internet browser and enter the address that corresponds to your institution listed below: OSUN - COTC - 2. A security alert may come up stating about exchanging information with others. Select Yes to continue. 3. A second security alert will display asking to accept the certificate from F5 Networks. Select Yes to continue. 4. A hostname mismatch may pop up stating that the server name in the certificate does not match the actual name of the server. Select Yes to continue. 5. A warning may display asking to trust the signed applet from F5 Networks. Select Yes to continue. 6. Web controls will automatically be installed, followed by a check for a virus scanner. Once the check is done, a choice will be given whether or not to scan the active processes for viruses. If running firepass for the first time, select “Scan active processes for viruses.” 7. A login page will display asking for your username and password. The account will be the same use to login to the network in a computer open lab. If you do not know your username and password, check with a lab monitor in a campus lab or call the Help Desk at 740-366-9244 (evening hours, 740-364-9568). Click Logon after entering your information. 8. After logging in, an attention page may display stating that the browser is ...