Tutorial1www.ccontrols.comINTRODUCTION Device level networks such as DeviceNet and Smart DistributedSystem are low-level networks that provide connections betweensimple industrial devices such as sensors and actuators and higher-level devices such as controllers. Benefits of device level networksinclude reduced wiring costs, the ability to exploit the intelligencepresent in some low-level devices and improved diagnosticcapabilities from that of hard-wired systems.ControllerDeviceNetOtherDevicesSensor PushbuttonMotor ClusterStarterAllen-BradleyBar Code ScannerSMCDevice Configuration Input/OutputDevicesMotorControllerFigure 1.Sensors, actuators Driveand controllers canreside on a commonDeviceNet network.Device level networks, in general, generate two types of messages.I/O messages provide all the work by conveying actual real-timedata between controllers and sensors or actuators. This is calledimplicit messaging since a connection is already establishedbetween these devices with an agreed-upon messaging protocol.So there is no need to send protocol information with the data—just the data. This speeds up data transfers.All other messages can be lumped into a class called explicitmessaging. These messages are your traditional source/destinationmessages when protocol information must also be provided inorder to understand what requests or commands are being made.These types of messages are for establishing connections,configuring ports ...