Vol 1, 8th EditionE-Business News & IssuesEditorialAs part of the joint CICA/AICPA efforts to develop frame- IN THIS ISSUEworks to evaluate such matters as privacy, confidentiality,security, processing integrity and availability, we are seeing an• Predictions for 2004 2increased interest by organizations in these topics. In particular,management is interested in having a basis for evaluating theirvarious systems. While this has been coming primarily from larger • Privacy 2organizations, we are starting to see an increased interest from mid-sized firms who are realizing the necessity of having appropriate and • Security 3effective systems to ensure privacy and security. We encourage you to goto www.cica.ca/trustservices and to www.cica.ca/privacy and to have a• Wireless 3look at the frameworks. They can be a useful tool for your organization oryour clients.• Web Links 4In this issue, we have climbed on the prognostication bandwagon. We look atwhat some authors are predicting in the area of technology in the coming year.We have also added our own personal view as well.Bryan Walker, CA (bryan.walker@cica.ca)EditorCICA Member ServicesInnovations for a changing world 1Predictions for 2004 Technologies to watch for (Business2.0)Among technologies forecasted to receive greater attention in the coming year are:Supply chains and Radio Frequency identification (RFID) tags - the introduction of RFID tags is underway. Forexample, all Wal-Mart’s suppliers ...