DSRL – A Quick TutorialThis qui ck tutorial will show you t he ke y fe atures of the ISO/IEC 19757-8 Document Schema Renaming L anguage (DSRL) and de monstrate how DSRL (pronounc ed “ disrule”) can be used to convert XML files in local dialects to a form that can be proc essed by a n ge neralized schema.What does DSRL do?DSRL allows you t o c onvert element na me, attribute na mes, attribute va lues tokens, entity na mes and proc essing i nstruction na mes from locally m eaningful na mes to the na mes imposed by validation s chemas. It contains the fol lowing opt ions that can be used to c reate a translation m ap:1.For e ach e lement whose na me you w ant to m ap to that in a va lidation s chema create a rul e of t he form : schema-element-name 2.For e ach a ttribute whose na me you w ant to m ap to that in a va lidation s chema create a rul e of t he form : schema-attribute-name 3.For e ach a ttribute va lue token w hose na me you w ant to m ap to that in a va lidation s chema create a rul e of the form : my-value1 schema-value1 my-value2 schema-value2 4.For e ach of e ntity w hose na me you w ant to m ap to that in a n e ntity set a rul e of the form : ...