INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLPDetectingQuestion-BearingTurnsinSpokenTutorialDialoguesJackson Liscombe, Jennifer J. Venditti, Julia HirschbergSpoken Language Processing GroupColumbia UniversityNew York City, NY, USA{jaxin,jjv,julia}@cs.columbia.eduAbstract 2. CorpusFor this research, we examined a corpus of spoken tutorial dia-logues collected by [3] at the University of Pittsburgh. This cor-Currentspeech-enabled IntelligentTutoringSystemsdonot model pus was collected for the development of ITSpoke, an Intelligentstudent question behavior the way human tutors do, despite ev- Tutoring Spoken Dialogue System designed to teach principles ofidence indicating the importance of doing so. Our study exam- qualitative physics. Whilethe ITSpoke corpus comprises 12 hoursined a corpus of spoken tutorial dialogues collected for develop- of recorded speech, for this study we use only 141 dialogues be-ment of ITSpoke, an Intelligent Tutoring Spoken Dialogue Sys- tweenone(male)tutorand17collegestudents(7female,10male),tem. The authors extracted prosodic, lexical, syntactic, and stu- containing 5 hours of student speech. A typical dialogue consistsdent and task dependent information from student turns. Results of approximately 53 student turns, each averaging 2.5seconds andof running 5-fold cross validation machine learning experiments 5 words in length. The total number of student turns in the corpususing AdaBoosted C4.5 decision trees show prediction of student is ...