Networks AdministrationDr. Fethi FILALIINRIA Sophia-Antipolis Network Management refers to a set of techniques,policies, and actions for deploying and coordinatingresources in order to plan, operate, administer, analyze,evaluate, design, and expand communication networks tomeet service-level objectives at all times, at a reasonablecost, and with optimum capacity. (From K. Terplan,“Communication Networks Management”. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall (1987))l Resources to be managed– Hardware: Physical media and connections, computercomponents, interconnection components, telecommunicationshardware, …– Software: Operating Systems, telecommunication andnetwork protocols, servers, applications, …DESS-02/03 2Goals of Network Managementl Improve system performance: higher network availability,higher throughput, lower delay, reduce response time,avoid and control congestionl Reduce operational cost: use resources efficiently,increase utilization, optimize expansion plansl Ease of use and flexibility: ease of upgrading andinstallation, integrate sys-tem functionalityl Transparency: management should not be visible to theuser: the disappearance trick !l Security: security of administrative and managementoperationsDESS-02/03 3Top-down View of Management Functionsl Network Provisioning (also called Strategic): Planning andDesign; long-range decisions, setting and evaluatingpolicies.l Network ...