Starting Paint To begin, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint You will end up with a window that looks something like the image to the right. To expand the size, double click on the bar labeled “untitled – Paint” at the top Below you will find a list and description of all the buttons and other main features of Microsoft Paint. Free-form select tool This tool allows you to select odd shaped figures. Simply left click your way around the shape to select it. Select Tool This tool selects a rectangular area. Hold down the left button on your mouse and drag open a box around the shape. Note: Once you have selected the shape you can then move it around the page by using your mouse. You can also make a copy using the edit drop down menu. Select copy, then select paste. Eraser Tool This tool allows you to rub out any errors or work lines. When it is selected it will give you a choice of eraser sizes as shown below. Simply click to highlight the desired size. Eraser thickness choice toolbar 1 Fill With A Color Tool The fill with a color tool lets the user fill the inside of a shape with a solid color. Select the fill icon from the toolbar, choose a color from the color toolbar (see color toolbar later) then click inside the shape to fill it with the chosen color. Color Picker Tool The color picker tool allows the user to choose a color from your workpage. You would do this when you needed to match a color ...