TechniCom, Inc.Consulting ServicesTCIA leading market research and consulting firm founded in 1989, TechniCom, Inc., focuseson the forces and dynamics surrounding the mechanical engineering design and manufactur-ing marketplace. Its principals are recognized authorities who have a solid, fundamentalunderstanding of the marketplace, the leading products, and the vendors producing theseCAD/CAM AUDITA description of our CAD/CAM Audit, representing a unique opportunity for compa-nies to implement a cost effective review of their engineering support activities.In response to a number of inquiries, we have developed What resources do you need to com-a service that, as a user of CAD/CAM, should be of interest mit to the audit?to you — our CAD/CAM Audit. The CAD/CAM Audittests and quantifies the state You need to make avail-of your CAD/CAM opera- able the key departmentCAD/CAM AUDIT BENEFITStions and plans. employees for the Audit• A cost effective evaluation of your CAD/CAM proceduresThe Audit uses a standard- interviews, assign a coor-and techniquesized, proven methodology dinator to assist us in• Reviews of the technical and operational aspects of howto provide a cost effective scheduling the interviews,well CAD/CAM supports your engineering and manufac-evaluation of your CAD/ and provide access to theturing departmentsCAM procedures and tech- top levels of management• Multi-level recommendations made where improvementsniques; a review of the tech- to ...