A Performance Benchmark for Spatiotemporal DatabasesPaul WersteinDatabase Research LaboratoryDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of OtagoDunedin, New ZealandEmail:werstein@cs.otago.ac.nzthPresented at SIRC 98 – The 10 Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information Research CentreUniversity of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand16-19 November 1998ABSTRACTIn the course of developing a spatiotemporal database to serve as a research tool, itbecame apparent that existing benchmarks were inadequate for our needs. Thispaper describes the benchmark I created to fill the void. The benchmark is uniquein two ways. First it requires significant temporal processing and storagecapabilities. Second it has provisions for evaluating the ability of a spatiotemporaldatabase to handle three dimensional data.Keywords and phrases: spatiotemporal database, benchmark, performance.1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe University of Otago Department of Computer Science is developing a spatiotemporal database to serve as atestbed for several areas of research. This research includes a spatiotemporal query language, innovative ways ofhandling long transactions, and efficient operating system support for databases. Our database isunique in providing three dimensional capabilities. We need a benchmark against which we can measure thequery language developments and the research into operating system support.Most recognised database benchmarks such as SPEC, BAPco, and TPC are not applicable to ...