“Opinions cannot survive if one hasAt the same time, the domains of GIS and IS reflect spatial information content forRe: Benchmarks have blurred—or, better, blended. Plan- New York City, Nashville (Tenn.), and OlatheGraphics’ multiple-decade focus on enter- (Kansas) and are designing systems forBy John C. Antenucci prise implementations has served us well Cook County/ESRI and Columbus (Ohio).President and CEO with a customer Working with the Oregon Department ofAdministrative Services, we successfullye-launching Benchmarkscompleted a proof of concept that providedis a benchmark unto itself.real-time access to spatial information fromRIt represents a touchstone formultiple jurisdictions using industry-PlanGraphics which, while continuingstandard browsers while the user had noto deliver superior customer service,knowledge of the source or construct of thehas at the same time successfully dealtsource data.with the “failed” corporate marriage toDCX. Our focus remains on the public sector; ourservices and solutions are focused onAs it has been a while since we lastemergency preparedness and public safety,published Benchmarks, let me acquaintnon-emergency information disseminationnew readers with its intent. First, for those base of(e.g., 311 systems) and asset management—of us in the field of cartography and CIOs, CTOs, andboth infrastructure and real property.surveying, benchmarks have always IS managers. In the past sixThrough Benchmarks, we hope to keep ...