BBinterface tutorial by Jimmy Hi guys (and girls), the target of this guide is to give a basis knowledge about how to use bbinterface. Probably this is the most amazing and useful blackbox ‘s plugin because it gives us the ability to do almost everything, with the only limit of our imagination. 1. FRAME The frame is generally used as a container for other plugins, or other bbinterface’s controls (But we can also set a function for right click on it). If we want to attach a plugin to a frame we have simply to load the plugin. For doing it, Ctrl + right click on the frame, and follow this path Sometimes it could happen that the plugin is not immediately loaded in the frame. In this cases, we have to set, among the plugin properties, “in slit”. If, instead, we want to attach another bbinterface’s control to a frame, we have two different ways: 1) We can create the new control as “child control”. To do this is very simple, it is sufficient to choose from the frame’s menu (ctrl + right click) “create new child control”, and to choose the kind of control we want to attach. 2) If the control we want to attach already exists, we can directly attach it to the frame from its menu 2. BUTTON Buttons are generally used for launching applications, interacting with other plugins or programs (es. Winamp), or for interacting with the system (es. For shutdowning the system), and they are similar (in theire behaviour) to the buttons on the ...