AUTHOR TUTORIAL LOG IN To begin using Editorial Manager, enter your username and password and click on ‘Author Login’. AUTHOR MAIN MENU You will be directed to the Author Main Menu: SUBMITTING A MANUSCRIPT To submit a new manuscript, click on the ‘Submit New Manuscript’ link. Article Type From the drop-down menu, select the article type that best describes your manuscript and click on ‘Next’. Article Title Next, enter an article title and the short version of the title. This is mandatory. Click on ‘Next’ to continue. Add/Edit/Remove Authors You will then be brought to a page where you can add other authors who have contributed to the manuscript. You do not need to re-enter yourself in the list of authors, as you are listed already as the corresponding author. Only the corresponding author will receive email communications regarding the submission. You can change the order of Authors as they would appear on the manuscript by clicking on the arrows beside their name. You may change the person designated as the corresponding author, but this person must also be a registered user for the journal, as they will need to be contacted throughout the submission process. Other authors do not need to be registered with the system. A first name, last name and e-mail address are required - affiliation information is not a required entry, but it will aid an Editor who wishes to select Reviewers who aren't affiliated with the authors of the ...