¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ Case Study – CPA Firm & CaseWare Find out how Frazier Deeter’s “need for speed” led to a savings of 40 hours per month of productive time – equivalent to $6,000 in savings every month Industry: Accounting Company: Frazier & Deeter, LLC Challenges: Inefficient and slow transfer of large amounts of data between mobile team members, using Bluetooth and diskettes; and Risk of having old data residing on disks used for data transfer. New solution needs to: Seamlessly integrate with CaseWare Audit Software; Minimize the training requirements normally associated with implementing a new solution; and Be easy to install and use. Results: Improvement in efficiency by using Colligo Workgroup Edition’s ad-hoc wireless networking software – saving the audit teams 40 hours, and the firm $6,000 per month; Rapid user adoption of the software; Reduced help desk call volume by 25% related to traditional networking troubles; and Elimination of risk associated with data left on disks through tight integration with CaseWare audit software. Colligo Networks, Inc. Frazier & Deeter and CaseWare Working Papers Frazier & Deeter’s Audit Teams Speed Up Productivity Frazier & Deeter is a 100-person certified public accounting and advisory firm with offices in Atlanta and Birmingham. Its team of professionals has extensive experience in all facets of income tax planning and preparation, international tax ...