COMP4603/7606 High Integrity Software DevelopmentTutorial — Sum Type Checker and PossumIntroductionThistutorialhandoutwillassistyouwithrunningtheSumtypecheckerandPossum. Itistheintentionthat this tutorial should be sucient for you to use the type checker and Possum without havingto read any other documentation. However, if you are interested, the following, more substantialdocumentation is also available from the course web page. Possum user guide (37 pages): the most relevant parts of the user guide have been used in thistutorial. Sum reference manual (158 pages): complete reference manual for the Sum language. Copy of the technical report “Requirements Engineering and Veri cation using Speci cationAnimation” (14 pages), which brie y describes Possum (mostly a subset of what is in the userguide) and some of the applications it has been used in.Sum type checkerThe Sum type checker is stored in the comp4603 account on the student network. To run the Sumtype checker, you must rst ensure that your environment is set up correctly. You can do this byadding the commands from the le~comp4603/sumenvto your .profile or by copying this le to your area and running. sumenvYou can then execute the command runsum to invoke a GUI interface that allows you to edit Sum les and to run the Sum type checker. To typecheck a Sum speci cation with the GUI, you can clickthe Run button (button with a running person icon on it). Make sure the appropriate options areset ...