Call for ProposalsTutorial Forum at the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial IntelligenceJuly 11–15, 2010 Atlanta, Georgia USASponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial IntelligenceThe AAAI-10 Program Committee invites ety of possible topics. The list is not exclu- n E-mail addressproposals for the Tutorial Forum of the sive; indeed, we are expressly interested in n Background in the tutorial area, includ-Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artifi- topics that we would not have imagined to ing a list of publications and/or presenta-cial Intelligence (AAAI-10). The Tutorial Fo- mention. Finally, note that we very much tionsrum will be held July 11–12, 2010 in Atlanta. welcome proposals for educational ap- n Any available examples of work in theAnyone interested in presenting a tutorial at proaches that go beyond the traditional for- area (ideally, a published tutorial-levelAAAI-10 should submit a proposal to the mat of four-hour tutorials, exploiting the article or presentation materials on the2010 Tutorial Forum Cochairs listed below. flexibility that the one-fee program offers. subject)n Evidence of teaching experience (coursesWhat Is the Tutorial Forum? Submission Requirements taught or references)The Tutorial Forum provides an opportuni- We need two kinds of information in the n Evidence of scholarship in AI or comput-ty for junior and senior researchers to spend proposals: information that will be used for er science.two days ...