978-1-58503-397-3 -- ANSYS 11 Workbench Tutorial








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® ™ANSYS Workbench Tutorial Structural & Thermal Analysis using the ANSYS Workbench Release 11.0 Environment Kent L. Lawrence Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Arlington SDC PUBLICATIONS Schroff Development Corporation www.schroff.com www.schroff-europe.com Solid Modeling Fundamentals 1-1 Chapter 1 Copyrighted Solid Modeling Material Fundamentals 1-1 OVERVIEW Copyrighted A simple L-shaped cross section is used to introduce basic solid modeling concepts with ANSYS DesignModeler. These tutorials explore solid modeling by: Material ♦Extruding ♦Revolving ♦Sweeping A number of additional parametric, feature-based modeling possibilities and formulations are demonstrated in this chapter. Copyrighted 1-2 INTRODUCTION Solid modeling can be accomplished in a number of ways, and one favorite method Material involves starting with a two-dimensional shape and manipulating it to create a solid. That is the approach we will use for many of the object models created in this book. Figure 1-1 shows an L-shaped cross section that has been variously extruded, revolved, or swept along a curve to produce the solid object models shown. Copyrighted Material 1-2 Solid Modeling Fundamentals Copyrighted Material Copyrighted Material Figure 1-1 Extruding, revolving, sweeping an L-shaped section. In the following we use this simple L-shaped ...
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ANSYS®WorkbenchTutorial Structural & Thermal Analysis using the ANSYS Workbench Release 11.0 Environment
Kent L. Lawrence Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Universit of Texas at Arlin ton SDC PUBLICATIONS Schroff Development Corporationwww.schroff.com www.schroff-euro e.com
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
CoChpaptyerr1igh SolidMMoadetlinegri Fundamentals  1-1 OVECRVIEoWpyrighted A simple L-shaped cross section is used to introduce basic solid modeling concepts with ANSYSgiMndoleexstDEdinrguMer. Theseatutortials eexplorersoliid moadelinlg b y: Revolving Sweeping aArenudemmbeornCsrtofaddeditaolpsihtinoinatpaarhecmaerpty,.frtcireatuire-bagsed mohdelingtpossiebilitiesdand nosformulati S1-o2lidImNoTdReliOnDgUcCanTIbOMeNaccomaplishted inea nurmbeir ofawaysl, an d one favorite method involves starting with a two-dimensional shape and manipulating it to create a solid. That is the approach we will use for many of the object models created in this book. Figure 1-1 shows an L-shaped cross section that has been variouslyextruded,revolved, orswept  along a curveto produce the solid object models shown. Copyrighted Material
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
weeping an L-shaped section.  imple L-shaped section to illustrate the three fundamental solid modeling approaches mentioned above. InthefollowingwCe useothis spyrighted 1-3 TUTORIAL 1A – EXTRUSION Material Follow the steps below to create a solid model of an extrusion with an L-shaped cross section. 1. Start ANSYS Workbench
Co hted Figure 1-2MStart AaNSYStWorekbencrh iniWinadowsl. 
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
1-3 The startup menu allows you to retrieve old files, begin a new DesignModeler geometry, start a SimCulationoor initpiatetrayNyew Prrojeict. SeglectNehw geotmetrey.d 2.SelectNew > Geome
Figure 1-3ANSYS Workbench startup menu.
Figure 1-4DesignModeler interface. Material
 Solid Modeling Fundamentals 3. Select OKTo work in millimeter units. mWemwwiilldeksweittch5hthCmemLt-shhiocakpeldegcspessso.ryctionron tihe XgY Planhe. Matke ite35 mmd hig h, 20 4. SXeYlePcltanXe.YPlaneas in the figureabelowt.TheenclicrkonitheaLooklat iconto view the
Figure 1-5Select the sketching plane.  Copyrighted Material
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
 Figure 1-6View of the sketching plane. Sketching by selecting the Sketching tab. 5. Sketching. Change from Modeling to SelectDraCw > Lione.pyrig MFiguare 1-7tSketechingrtoolis. 6. Use the line drawing tool to draw the left vertical edge of the L-shape. Left click at the beginning and again at the end of th e line. The Vindicates that you’ve got it exactlyvertical. Copyrig e Material
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
 Figure 1-8Left edge of the L-shape. aCtotnhteinbueegisnkCneitncghiannogagdtnliuiapahouyehnttayesodenvrtmeoefilhhcalgniighweNk(i.enhtcetissitaothahotwhnteelowptoebdeg.Ldeetf itcisloknc quite horizontal.) If you need to change something, useUndo back up or use to New Selection,Edgefilter to select a line, press the delete key and redraw it. Also note that the cursor chanMges shapae whetn it ies snaprpediontoaanothler point or axis.
 Figure 1-9L-section sketch.
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
1-7 and 8mU.saekecSsounekrfestettCrcctalhhiiaicntnkttghtoh>oeepivtCoetoontrpnsisecptahdrlogaareiin.nzdtosyhn>otrailHztoorornitzamolianklteeaglstgoftehptoehhaehrgeLedtzinoatlhteofhitmesacorekqnueasls.lengthto L Materia Figure 1-10Sketching constraints.  9.LSekfettCcclhiicnkgth>oeCtoopnsetpdrgaeinatnsyd>thEeqnrutahlelireingghttghedge.ht bTeheufsiegdurteoisprjousdtuacesktehMesceitsohctofar,aanwnetnndaawet.eeWbrumrfodwliirlsfuieefaithedetnlmSek nesticohniinnggs>chDeimmeesncsiooulndsoptions to give it the desired properties. left vertical edge of the section and  the dimension to a convenient location. drag 10. Sketching > Dimensions > General –Left click and (hold down the button) on the The V1 means this is the first vertical dimension for this sketch.
MFaiguret1-11eL-secrtion sketach. 
1-8 Solid Modeling Fundamentals edge; io 1Cn1oe.netindtSotukleeohtcacwashtittiheontgbgheee>CeenvDqrreiituamcallealtdniosemidVoegnn4.essipoTw>niheitHhnobrgroeyisttzpotoeoncsmttparteelocidftghyeitfeLc2eHolYsiagddtealcickths.VdnxaihlDoctreie.4lefttntiotdcyntvealsdieegimenheXadontehsibnthx ectlpoktueiwcer the dotted Y axis and drag the H3 dimension to a convenient location.
 Figure 1-12L-section sketch with all dimensions. ThecurrentvaluesforthedMimensioans detpendeuponr thei scalae usled in the sketching process, e.g., H2 = 20.012 mm in theDetails of Sketch1box shown in the figure above. 12. Edit the dimensions to give them the desired t values. – Click on a value, enter the change and press re urn. FCigureo1-13Dpefault dyimenrsionivaluges. Mate
Solid Modeling Fundamentals
1-9 13.View > Rulermenu) to turn off the ruler display. Use the middle mouse roller(Top sTeolercettpooonszietoiCftheomoofnhenitaoslectwilouotnnodipehtn.oyscreern,riightgclickinhthe gtraphices areadof th e display and o ng options:Cursor Mode, View,orZoom to Fit. Material The result is shown in the figure below.
 u ToperformtheextrusiMon,Fisgwitarceh1-b1at4EdikcfreeddtoimkSretcmneihingisnoaeuvlatoMl.sode ling. If it is not already highlighted, clickSketch1in theTree Outlineto highlight it.  14. Modeling > Sketch1 > Extrude ha d section will be ex i(Tn4h5tehmeL-msD)etpoCptehifelievgtodlisoehdwohspixnneahntyteutrrDeudedtredadeiplasltioohfnfogEtgx1h0ter0updomeshi1mZevb.ixtotsxtixa(neefeigurbyhtedma).Eod uitntthsipsecviaflieudeMaterial
 Solid Modeling Fundamentals
The tree structure shows the components from which the solid model is created.
 Figure 1-15Section ready for extrusion. 15. Click theGCeneraote iconp to cyomplerte cireatigon ofhthe etxtrudeed shadpe m odel. Material  Copyrighted Material
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