Gelco Receipt and Audit ServicesElectronic receipt managementReceipt documentation and storageComplete receipt audit services➜➜➜➜➜➜Can you efficiently file ten thousand receipts for thousands of trips?Can you quickly find a copy of the right receipt for an IRS audit?Can you identify all receipts eligible for VAT reclamation?Can you accurately match receipts to the right expense report?Can you quickly check receipt amounts against reportedexpenses?Can you figure out which receipts to audit with yourlimited resources?You can with Gelco. We’re with you all the way.➜➜➜Gelco Receipt and Audit ServicesEliminate the need to manually file and store paper T&E receipts.User BenefitsTa x Automated Regardless of your role in the organization, Compliance AuditGelco Expense Management services support youthrough every step of the expense managementPaperless Receipt VAT Reporting process.Processing and ReclamationExecutivesReceipt& Audit As your second largest controllable expense,Services travel has a significant effect on your profita-bility. Gelco Expense Management servicesprovide valuable information for monitoringtrends, evaluating supplier contract effective-ness, and managing travel budgets. GelcoGELCO FULL-CIRCLEhelps you reduce spending, focus your internalEXPENSE MANAGEMENTReporting resources on critical functions, ensure compli-Payment &Reimbursement & Analysis ance, and generate valuable insights into Services EXPERTISE AT ...