Barriers & Challenges to Financing for Energy Efficiency CDM ProjectsCDM/JISustainable InvestmentM4UDevelopmentFinanceAdvisory Service on Clean Development Mechanism and Financing for SustainabilityMASUDA, Masato President of M4U Limited,Chief Counselor to the president of Japan Carbon Finance, Ltd.on February 25, 2005 at CTI Industrial Joint Seminar on 1Technology diffusion of Energy Efficiency in Asian Countries, Beijing, China1. Outlook for Primary Energy 1. Consumption in Asia by Country by FuelMtoeMtoe5,0005,000Other AsiaRenewable4,500 4,5004,000 4,000IndonesiaNuclear 3,5003,500India3,0003,000Natural2,500 2,500GasP.R.China2,000 2,000Oil1,5001,500SouthKorea1,0001,000CoalJapan500 5000 01990 2000 2010 2020 1990 2000 2010 2020Year Yearfrom The Institute of Energy Economic, Japan, March 200422. Heavy Reliance on Fossil Fuels might cause:• Uncertainty of Economic Growth due to due to bottleneck of energy supply• Tension among Countries due to strengthening energy security• Domestic Environmental Problems caused by emissions of SO2, NOX, etc.X• International / Global Environmental Problems such as transborder pollution, climate change, etc.33. CDM is expected to improve Energy 3. Efficiency in Developing Countries• CDM shall assist Non-Annex I countries in -Annex I countries in achieving Sustainable Development, and assist Annex I countries in achieving compliance with their Kyoto commitments ...