Impact evaluationFrequently interventions in economics take the form of a change in theeconomic environment of a given population or of a program proposed to agiven population with specific needs. Programs mey be either mandatory orcompulsory. Here are some examples :– Counseling program for the unemployed with risk of long term unem-ployment. Individuals identified as at risk of long term unemploymentwhen falling onto unemployment are proposed to enter a counselingprogram that assist them in their search of a new job for a given dura-tion (six months). They may accept or refuse to join the program.– Welfare reforms. The welfare reforms of the 1990s in the US were cha-racterized by one or more of three core components : broad and toughwork requirements, financial incentives to make work pay, and timelimits on cash benefit receipt. The Connecticut’s Jobs First programwas launched in 1996 and was one of the first statewide reform initia-tives to include all three, including, at 21 months, one of the shorteststate-imposed welfare time limits in the country.– Conditional cash transfer. To solve the problem of low school atten-dance it is possible to pay children or their family to attend school.The transfer is done only when the children indeed attend school. Thistype of program is a frequent program to increase education in deve-lopment countries.– Class size. One issue is the link between class size and the performance1of children. One idea is that when ...