Whilst the total number of people employed in the retail sectorGlossary of termshas been calculated, it has not been possible to provide a£10complete picture of the pattern of retail employment inPrime zone A retail rent: This is the rent charged for theHuddersfield, principally because employment details weremost valuable space within a retail unit. The rentnot provided by all town centre businesses(expressed in both pounds per sq.ft. and pounds per(September/October 2001 Business Questionnaire Survey).sq.m.), relates to the area of the retail unit which is used toNevertheless, a general guide to the ratio of full time to partattract the shopper into the premises. This is usually HUDDERSFIELD TOWN CENTRE AUDIT 2002time employees, and of male to female employees intaken to mean a depth of 20ft (6m) from the frontage ofHuddersfield town centre has been obtained. This revealedthe unit. The values relate to the zone A rent for a FACT SHEET 4: RETAILER DEMAND AND OPPORTUNITIESthat, of those who responded:hypothetical standard shop unit in the best (100%) pitchwithin each centre.• 51% of employees are in full time work, with 49% in part86% of registered interests (73,188 sq.m. of sales floorspace)IntroductionPrime ‘all risk yield’: This is a measure which enablestime work;would be new businesses to the town. Of the businesses (9)the values of properties of different size, location and• Female employment accounts for 57% of all employeewho ...