Happy Jetting








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Happy Jetting
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T a k i n g y o u r a i r l i n e t o n e w h e i g h t s
Happy Jetting A Conversation With … Dave Barger, PresidentAnd Chief Executive Officer, JetBlue Airways, Page 14. 
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Happy Jetting
A Conversation With … Dave Barger, Chief Executive Officer, JetBlue Airways.
town airline, Fe is,ayrwAie lutrohomeks  or ewstseor ti gug spom t inutsa obt son ty ettinut sael A to point , it’s about proiding superior serice in eery aspect o each customer’s air trael eperience t’s a common goal among airlines around the world, but one o many things that makes etlue stand out is its “ustomer ill  ights,” which outlines eactly what inconenienced customers can epect during times o serice disruptions that are within the carrier’s control And that’s ust the tip o the iceberg or etlue, which prides itsel on haing created a new airline category based on alue, serice and style etlue keeps customer satisaction and comort at the oreront t oers “Lots o Legroom” and superspacious “en ore Legroom” seats t was the irst in the region to introduce inlight email and messaging serices t oers 6 channels o , 1 channels o irius  adio and unlimited brand name snacks it doesn’t charge or irst checked bags and the list goes on “uring 8, we continued to improe the trael eperience or our customers onboard our aircrat,” etlue resident and hie ecutie icer ae
ae Barger, ho oined JetBlue Airay’ board of director in  and i year
later took the reign a chief eecutie officer, recognie that eceptional cutomer erice, in the air and on the ground, i the key to the carrier’ ongoing ucce arger told shareholders earlier this year “or eample, we modiied our leet with a product we call en ore Legroom en ore Legroom seats proide our custom ers with 8 inches o pitch in selected rows or a modest ee e beliee our cabin eperience, which includes the most legroom in coach based on aerage leet wide seat pitch or  airlines and  and irius  adio installed by our Lie subsidiary, to be ‘best in class’ across the industry” As a result o its detail to customer satisaction, the airline has won more than 1 awards in categories such as est Large  conomy lass, est nlight ntertainment, ost coriendly Airline, est neat omort and est orth American Lowost arrier “or the ith year in a row, etlue achieed the o 1 customerserice rank ing among lowcost carriers by  ower and Associates, arger said “his award, and many others, is a testament to the dedication o our crewmembers who do a tremendous ob deliering he etlue perience to our  million customers annually” uring the course o nearly 1 years, the airline has built a stable, un eniron ment or its crewmembers — the airline’s term or employees — and a pleasant atmosphere or its customers t con tinually engages in community actiities to support nonproit organizations in the
cities it seres And it iews its strategy or continually improing the enironment as its social responsibility n addition to proiding top ser ice to its customers and a warm work enironment or its more than 1, crewmembers, etlue has a knack or cleer themes, such as its “appy etting” tagline, and witty adertising that holds iewers’ attention through comedic dia log, such as that o its “elcome igwigs he ’s uide o etting” ideo hether in the air or on the ground, etlue stries to delier on its promise to proide worldclass serice, conenience and comort to its millions o customers t operates out o ew ork ohn  ennedy nternational Airport’s erminal , which it reers to as “home sweet home,” and oers “etters” uick, simple checkin, up to  security lanes, 6 gates with ample seating, complimentary ii,  dining options,  retail locations and a children’s play area “n 8, we marked the beginning o a new chapter in etlue’s history with the opening o our new erminal  acility at  Airport,” arger said “his pro ect, a partnership with the ort Authority o ew ork  ew ersey, inoled si years o planning and construction and includes 6 gates, new roadways, a parking structure and a connector to the
Airrain e beliee we hae a tremen dous adantage being based in ew ork, the largest trael market in the world, and erminal  gies us the opportunity to proide superior customer serice on the ground that matches our awardwinning eperience in the air ” n ay , arger was named etlue chie eecutie oicer, assum ing the additional title o president this year e has sered on the airline’s board o directors since 1, and rom 18 to , he sered as the airline’s chie operating oicer e’s been in the airline industry or more than two decades, ser ing in seeral management positions or ontinental Airlines prior to the ounding o etlue in 18 n a recent interiew withAscend, arger shared his thoughts about what makes etlue Airways an industry leader Question: JetBlue Airay introduced a ne airline category baed on alue, erice and tyle hat contitute thi a a ne category, and ho i it different from hat competi tor are doing A n s w e r : n the past, when people looked at the airline industry, they saw two main kinds o airlines — traditional or legacy airlines and lowcost airlines n recent years, there’s been a
JetBlue Airay ha tailored it aircraft to include it “en More egroom” product, offering  inche of pitch in certain ro The carrier’ contant detail to it “etter” ha earned it the o  cutomererice ranking among locot carrier fie year in a ro
blending, so to speak, o the character istics that used to be associated with each o those types as our industry has aced many challenges hether it’s 11, A, high oil prices or economic recession, airlines hae had to adapt raelers hae begun to shop or air trael with more o a ocus on price e recognized this early on and decided to distinguish ourseles as the preeminent alue carrier in the Americas etlue will oer competitie ares, which any airline can do, but we can oer much more alue that other carriers can’t, whether it be ree onboard entertainment, unlimited complimentary snacks, great legroom and a ree irstchecked bag, all coupled with riendly serice And by oering custom ers the option to purchase up, or our more inches o legroom in our en ore Legroom rows or irstrun moies, or eample, they can add alue that’s impor tant to them e oer a great eperience to our customers today without nickel and diming them or it
Q: JetBlue’ complimentary in flight email and intant meaging er ice ere a firt among S airline Ho important are thee type of er ice to cutomer hat feedback hae you receied from cutomer about the additional erice A: As we’e looked at connectiity at altitude, we’e recognized the desire or customers to stay connected with riends and loed ones on the ground, especially on longer transcontinental lights e’e been testing these capabilities on one o our aircrat — named etalue — or almost two years now, and the response has been ery positie he ability or a customer to email or stay connected ia instant mes saging to those on the ground is a great option, especially when it’s oered ree o charge, and the eedback we’e receied rom customers on etalue lights has been oerwhelmingly positie e’re plan ning to roll the product out to additional aircrat starting this year, with the goal to add it as a complimentary amenity to the etlue inlight eperience Q: JetBlue Airay i the firt and only S carrier to declare a Cutomer Bill f ight hat a the purpoe for creating a Cutomer Bill f ight, and ho doe it contribute to JetBlue’ ucce A : e created the etlue ustomer ill o ights in early  ater eperiencing some operational challenges due to winter weather e wanted to pro ide customers with a tangible document outlining eactly what they can epect
JetBlue not only take good care of it cutomer, it offer a ecure, enoyable atmophere for it , cremember, ho ork together a a team to enure the bet poible trael eperience for all etter
rom us i their trael plans becomethi ne tagline throughout it bui isrupted his goes back to our desirenee, and ho ha it made a differ o bring humanity back to air trael, oneence from a cutomer perpectie  our goals since launching serice inA: is what the other guys lying  e’re a customerserice company d o   e t t i n g i s w h a t w e d o h e r e a t hat ust happens to be an airline he etlue lying has a history o negatie ustomer ill o ights allows customers connotations, so we decided to distance o hold us accountable as we welcome ourseles rom it his was more than hem onboard a marketing campaign not only did we  change the terminology used across the : n it eighth year of erice, JetBlueentire airline — the term “lying” isn’t  iray aid goodbye to flying and i n t r o d u c e d —  e t t i n g a n y w h e r eu s e d ello to etting ith it “Happy Jetting”t i  i e s t  d e n  i t i n k i n g  h  w e w o a ya n agline Ho ha the airline leeragedthe alue proposition that we oer our
Cat member of The Simpon Moie from left Homer, Marge, Bart, ia and Maggie trael in tyle ith JetBlue Airay, “The fficial Airline f Springfield”
customers and sets us apart rom other airlines t helps eplain why etlue is uniue in a un way
Q: at year, JetBlue became the official airline of the Boton ed So profe ional baeball team Ho did thi agree ment come about, and hy i it important to the airline A:er the years, our growth in cities outside o ew ork has been considerable oston has become a ery important market or us e now oer the most nonstop des tinations rom oston o any airline t’s our second home As we’e grown, we’e looked or ways to deelop strategic sponsorships with key organizations e’e been ortunate to deelop a great relationship with the oston ed o as the team’s oicial airline e’re also ecited to hae recently announced a new partnership with the ew ork ets, which is our irst maor sports ranchise partnership in ew ork, our hometown
Q: Ho did JetBlue Airay become “The fficial Airline f
Springfield” in celebration of The Simpon Moie A: e like to look or un and ecit ing partnership opportunities he release o he impsons oie was the perect way to celebrate our etensie serice to the greater Los Angeles area e een hosted a contest with a grand prize that included two tickets to the moie’s premiere in ollywood And i you’e eer wanted to see omer, arge, art, Lisa and aggie impson traeling in style, we hae the photos that show it Q: n , JetBlue Airay receied the highly coeted iamond Certificate of cellence Aard from the S Federal Aiation Adminitration hat ere the main reaon for inning uch a pretigiou aard hat empha i doe the airline place on inning uch aard and hy A: e were honored to receie the AA’s iamond ertiicate o cellence Award or our maintenance technician train ing program An award like this highlights
the ecellence o our training programs and the dedication o our crewmembers e’e also receied a ariety o recogni tions throughout the years or oering cus tomers eceptional customer serice like ie consecutie recognitions by  ower and Associates or ecellence in customer satisaction Any recognition we receie is directly related to the dedication o eery etlue crewmember who stries to meet the needs o eery etlue customer Q: hen other airline began charging paenger for the firtchecked bag, hy did JetBlue chooe not to fol lo uit A:e are ocused on creating a new airline category best described as a alue airline here are certain things we beliee should be included as part o a ticket ight now or etlue, that includes an assigned seat with industryleading legroom, ree sat ellite  and radio, unlimited complimentary snacks, and a ree irstchecked bag hen these items are combined with etlue’s awardwinning riendly serice, we hae
what we call the etlue perience t’s what’s sustained our airline or almost 1 years and is positioning us or uture success
Q: A part of it continuing com mitment to gie back to the communi tie it ere, JetBlue partnered ith aBM, a nonprofit organiation that eniion building play area ithin alking ditance of eery child in the nited State Ho many play area hae been built by JetBlue employee, hat impact doe thi initiatie hae on thee employee, and hy i it highly important to the airline A:e hae been ortunate to part ner with a or seeral playground builds in etlue cities n eptember, we completed our seenth build, which happened to be right down the street rom our corporate support center ur crewmembers hae tremendous passion or our industry, but they also are pas sionate about the communities in which they lie hat’s why it’s important we partner with organizations like a and the American ancer ociety to allow our crewmembers the opportunity to gie back to their communities and to be a good corporate neighbor Q : J e t B l u e ’ C    u t r e a c h Program included a humorou com mercial, “elcome Bigig The C’ uide To Jetting,” targeting C ho ere accutomed to flying on priate et hat ere you triing to achiee through thi program and accompany ing commercial And ho ucceful ha thi initiatie been in attracting ne buine A:ur elcome igwigs campaign was a tongueincheek adertisement and iral ideo series welcoming s and other eecuties to trael with etlue ater being banned rom using their pri ate ets he goal was to humorously use current eents to portray the ameni ties eery customer eperiences when traeling with etlue he campaign was perectly timed with current eents and receied interest by the general public and the news media he buzz generated by the campaign was a huge success t showcased that etlue likes to do things dierently and that we hae a un edge about our brand Another eample would be our  All ou an et pass, which receied an etraordinary amount o social media attention and news coerage   Q: hat are ome top reaon cutomer chooe JetBlue rather than
JetBlue Airay trie to achiee erice ecellence in the air a ell a on the ground Baed out of e ork JF’ Terminal , the airline offer imple checkin option, ample ecurity lane, ufficient eating at gate, free iFi, eeral dining and hopping enue, and a children’ play area
competing airline hat tep doebring this enironmental awareness back to JetBlue take to retain cutomerthe workplace, and it maniests itsel in things A: singleengine taiing where our pilots only likeAt etlue, we strie to add alue to eery customer’s eperience, and that’s use one engine to tai aircrat when on the why customers choose to et with us again ground his saes uel and helps the eniron and again he ree satellite  and radio, ment at the same time etra legroom, unlimited complimentary snacks, and ree irst checked bag add alueQ: hat role doe technology play to the price our customers pay or a ticketin the ucce of JetBlue Ho ha tech ut those are the tangible things he mostnology changed and eoled ince the important element that keeps our customairline began erice a decade ago ers coming back is the caring and riendlyA:echnology has played a large role attitude ehibited by our crewmembers in our success e launched serice nearly hat’s the secret that makes etlue suc 1 years ago as a completely eticket airline cessul and helps us stand out rom other e’e neer had paper tickets ur resera airlines tions crewmembers work rom their homes e were the irst domestic airline to hae Q: Ho inoled are JetBlueseat — in economy class, nos at eery Airay’ cremember in Jetting toless ast orward seeral years, and we reen, your enironmental utainabilityintroduced complimentary inlight email and program n hat ay i JetBlue goinginstant messaging serices on our aircrat aboe and beyond to make a difference inetalue, a irst among  domestic air the enironmentlines e look or ways to use technology to A: enhance the customer eperience and also to ery etlue crewmember plays a role in the success o our airline, and that operate eiciently mart use o technology includes enironmental initiaties as well can drie business success etting to reen is a platorm that allows us to share our enironmentally riendly practicesQ: here do you ee JetBlue and to promote education and olunteerismAiray in fie year hat poition the e hae corporate elements to the programairline for longterm ucce — like our partnership with arbonundorgA:etlue is poised to be the preemi that allows customers to oset carbon emis nent alue airline in the Americas Approaching sions generated by their lights — and we our 1th anniersary, our strong business hae eents that allow our crewmembers to model, epanding network, young leet, ame do one thing that’s green All across our net nityrich serice and riendly crewmembers work, crewmembers olunteer to plant trees are the tools we will use to reinent the air or clean up beaches and parks And then they line business all oer againa
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