Global Development Finance 2011









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Global Development Finance 2011: External Debt of Developing Countries is a continuation of the World Bank's publications Global Development Finance, Volume II (1997 through 2009) and the earlier World Debt Tables (1973 through 1996). As in previous years, GDF 2011 provides statistical tables showing the external debt of 128 developing countries that report public and publicly guaranteed external debt to the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS). It also includes tables of key debt ratios for individual reporting countries and the composition of external debt stocks and flows for individual reporting countries and regional and income groups along with some graphical presentations.
GDF 2011 draws on a database maintained by the World Bank External Debt (WBXD) system. Longer time series and more detailed data are available from the Global Development Finance 2011 on CD-ROM and the World Bank open databases, which contain more than 200 time series indicators, covering the years 1970 to 2009 for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2017.
The database covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, and key debt ratios, as well as average terms of new commitments, currency composition of longterm debt, and debt restructurings in greater detail than can be included in the GDF book. The CD-ROM also contains the full contents of the print version of GDF 2011. Text providing country notes, definitions, and source information is linked to each table.
World Bank open databases are available through the World Bank's website The Little Data Book on External Debt 2011 provides a quick reference to the data from GDF 2011. For more information on the GDF database, visit
Global Development Finance 2011: External Debt of Developing Countries is unique in its coverage of the important trends and issues fundamental to the financing of the developing world. This report is an indispensible resource for governments, economists, investors, financial consultants, academics, bankers, and the entire development community.
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14 décembre 2010

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2 Mo

External Debt of Developing CountriesGlobal
External Debt of Developing CountriesGlobal
External Debt of Developing Countries
2011© 2011 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
1818 H Street NW
Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-1000
All rights reserved
1 2 3 4 13 12 11 10
This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The
World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect
the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent.
The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors,
denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the
part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such
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The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work with-
out permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Develop-
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For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information
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All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the
Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422;
ISBN: 978-0-8213-8673-6
eISBN: 978-0-8213-8674-3
DOI: 10.1595/978-0-8213-8673-6
ISSN: 1020-5454
Table of Contents
Preface viiCambodia 94
Cameroon 96
Acknowledgments ix
Cape Verde 98
Central African Republic 100Overview 1
Chad 102Financial Flows to Developing
Chile 104 Countries: Trend in 2009 1
China 106Recent Trends in Financing from
Colombia 108 Official Creditors 4
Comoros 110Volatility in Private Debt Flows
Congo, Democratic Republic of 112 to Developing Countries 8
Congo, Republic of 114Debt Indicators 10
Costa Rica 116Regional Developments and Trends 11
Côte d’Ivoire 118Annex A: Debt Restructuring in 2009 19
Djibouti 120
Summary Tables 21Dominica 122
Dominican Republic 124Regional and Income Group
Ecuador 126 Aggregate Tables 35
Egypt, Arab Republic of 128
Country Tables 55 El Salvador 130
Afghanistan 56Eritrea 132
Albania 58Ethiopia 134
Algeria 60Fiji 136
Angola 62Gabon 138
Argentina 64 Gambia, The 140
Armenia 66Georgia 142
Azerbaijan 68Ghana 144
Bangladesh 70Grenada 146
Belarus 72Guatemala 148
Belize 74Guinea 150
Benin 76Guinea-Bissau 152
Bhutan 78Guyana 154
Bolivia, Plurinational State of 80Haiti 156
Bosnia and Herzegovina 82Honduras 158
Botswana 84India 160
Brazil 86Indonesia 162
Bulgaria 88 Iran, Islamic Republic of 164
Burkina Faso 90Jamaica 166
Burundi 92Jordan 168
Kazakhstan 170Seychelles 252
Kenya 172 Sierra Leone 254
Kosovo 174 Solomon Islands 256
Kyrgyz Republic 176Somalia 258
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 178 South Africa 260
Lebanon 180 Sri Lanka 262
Lesotho 182 St. Kitts and Nevis 264
Liberia 184 St. Lucia 266
Lithuania 186 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 268
Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of 188Sudan 270
Madagascar 190Swaziland 272
Malawi 192 Syrian Arab Republic 274
Malaysia 194Tajikistan 276
Maldives 196Tanzania 278
Mali 198Thailand 280
Mauritania 200Togo 282
Mauritius 202Tonga 284
Mexico 204Tunisia 286
Moldova 206Turkey 288
Mongolia 208Turkmenistan 290
Montenegro 210Uganda 292
Morocco 212Ukraine 294
Mozambique 214Uruguay 296
Myanmar 216Uzbekistan 298
Nepal 218Vanuatu 300
Nicaragua 220 Venezuela, República Bolivariana de 302
Niger 222Vietnam 304
Nigeria 224 Yemen, Republic of 306
Pakistan 226Zambia 308
Panama 228Zimbabwe 310
Papua New Guinea 230
About the Data 313
Paraguay 232
Data Sources 313
Peru 234
Methodology 314
Philippines 236
External Debt and Its Components 316
Romania 238
Countries with Estimated Data 319
Russian Federation 240
Rwanda 242 Country Groups 321
Samoa 244
Glossary 323
São Tomé and Príncipe 246
Senegal 248 Users’ Guide 327
Serbia 250
vi vi
he World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System Steps are continuously being taken to ensure
(DRS), from which the aggregates and that the data captured by the DRS mirror these Tcountry tables presented in this report are developments and respond to the needs of debt
drawn, was established in 1951. The debt crisis managers and analysts. In this context, reporting
of the 1980s brought increased attention to debt requirements are periodically amended to reflect
statistics and to the World Debt Tables, the prede- changes in borrowing patterns. Many develop-
cessor to Global Development Finance. Now the ing countries increasingly rely on financing raised
global financial crisis has once again heightened in domestic markets, so we are exploring ways to
awareness in developing countries of the impor- expand the coverage of public sector borrowing in
tance of managing their external obligations. domestic markets. At the same time, we are mindful
Central to this process is the measurement and that expanded coverage and efforts to enhance data
monitoring of external debt stocks and flows in a accuracy and timeliness must be balanced against
coordinated and comprehensive way. The initial the reporting burden imposed on developing coun-
objective of the DRS was to support the World tries. Bringing modern technology to bear reduces
Bank’s assessment of the creditworthiness of its reporting costs. In partnership with the major pro-
borrowers. But it has grown as a tool to inform viders of debt data management systems to devel-
developing countries and the international com- oping countries, the Commonwealth Secretariat
munity of trends in external financing and as a (COMSEC) and the United Nations Conference on
standard for the concepts and definitions on which Trade and Development (UNCTAD), we have estab-
countries can base their own debt management lished standard code and system links that enable
systems. countries to provide their DRS reports electronically,
Over the years, the external financing options in a seamless and automated data exchange process.
available to developing countries have evolved and We recognize that robust debt data and good
expanded, and so too has the demand for timely debt management go hand in hand, and the World
and relevant data to measure the activity of public Bank, together with its partners, is committed to
and private sector borrowers and creditors. Recur- improving the capacity of developing countries
rent debt crises caused by adverse global economic to manage their debt. We are also committed to
conditions or poor economic management have maintaining the DRS as a rich source of informa-
demanded solutions, including debt restructur- tion. All the relevant data and information are
ing and, in the case of the poorest, most highly available to you from the World Bank’s Open
Data site at We wel-indebted countries, outright debt forgiveness,
come your comments and suggestions to ensureformulated on the basis of detailed and robust
that our data meet your needs. information on external obligations.
Shaida Badiee
Director, Development Data Group

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