RISK BASED AUDIT WORK GROUPGUIDELINES FOR ANNUAL AUDIT PLANNING AND RESOURCEALLOCATIONFISCAL YEAR 2001ATTACHMENT EUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAINTERNAL AUDIT PLANFISCAL YEAR 2001 NARRATIVE & ASSUMPTIONS(UCR)Significant changes from 1999/2000 are noted in Italics._____________________________________________________________________1. Available Hours--Describe the basis for the number of FTE’s in the planincluding any change from current year staffing levels, time frame for fillingopen positions, assumed turnover and impact on available hours, and anypositions authorized but intentionally left open for necessary salary savings. Our authorized and funded number of 5 FTE is used in the 2000-2001 AuditPlan. Presently, we have one open position that is being recruited for and shouldbe filled by 7/01/2000. No employee turnover in 2000/2001 is assumed. Separately describe the basis for any hours in the “Other Resources category; e.g. temporaryassistance, interns, paid or unpaid overtime, or re-charge to another internal audit department(negative). The Other Resources hours are those of planned student interns. Generally, about 3 excellent student interns assist us for about 10 hours weekly during the three academic quarters. We do notsee any difficulty in continuing the use of interns at this level. In fact, we have a waiting list ofinterns. We have not budgeted for unpaid professional staff “overtime” but this may becomenecessary if the plan goes ...