www.ManagementConsultants.comThe Black Hole in the Due-Dilligence Audit – Taking the Guesswork Out of AcquisitionsBy Tom FitzGerald He knew, with a metaphysical certainty, that it was FitzGerald Associates necessary to look deeper, look into the soul of the company. Not just evaluate the CEO and senior man-agers one by one, or even those in the next layer So critical to a company’s performance is its down. The appraisal had to look at something else.Operating Dynamic, its Will to Compete, that During the recession, during the cutbacks, and the improving it by just 20% improves the bottom downsizing, and the survivor-guilt of farewells, had line by 42% comparable to a capital investment the intrinsic courage of the company-as-a-whole been damaged? Had its competitive spirit been erod-of 70%*.ed? For Harry knew that this corporate spirit was the real cause and foundation of performance Yet, it is never measured in a due-diligence. – not strategy, not tactics, not financials. Not even the CEO.Harry’s stomach sent him the signal first. A twinge, a Would it be strong enough? Would they be able to mere twinge. renew it, transform it, if that were needed? But Harry’s was a large stomach, a faithful stomach. The failure rate for all acquisitions had been run-One he had lived with a long and trusted time, one ning between 60% and 80% for decades. It would he listened to when it spoke. And now it had. A be higher because of the recession. Harry had seen ...