CITY OF DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINASCHEDULE OF FEDERAL AND STATE AWARDSFROM GRANT INCEPTION AND FOR YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2002FederalGrantor/Pass-Through CFDA Pass-Through Program or Grantor/Program Title Number Grantor's Number Award AmountU.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: Passed-through North Carolina Department of Commerce: WIA Administrative Cost Pool 17.255 3,994WIA Administrative Cost Pool-98/99 98-2010-35-163 3,236WIA Administrative Cost Pool-99/00 17.255 99-2010-35-163 28,920WIA Administrative Cost Pool-00/01 00-2010-35-163 -WIA Dislocated Workers-98/99 17.246 98-2030-35-163 21,543WIA Dislocated Workers-99/00 99-2030-35-163 99,604WIA Dislocated Workers-00/01 17.260 00-2030-35-163 216,492JTPA Dislocated Workers-99/00 17.246 99-3519-4-163 98,700 472,489 WIA Administrative Cost Pool-99/00 17.255 99-2010-35-171 63,504WIA Adult-99/00 99-2020-35-171 35,466WIA Youth-99/00 17.255 99-2040-35-171 48,834JTPA Adult-99/00 17.250 99-3724-4-171 52,451 200,255WIA Administrative Cost Pool-00/01 17.262 00-2010-35-175 16,164WIA Youth-00/01 17.259 00-2040-35-175 145,477 161,641 WIA Welfare to Work-99/00 17.255 99-3751-35-180 597,297 WIA Administrative Cost Pool-00/01 17.262 00-2010-35-181 15,973 00-2020-35-181 143,754 159,727JTPA Welfare to ...