40 | February 2011 | A Middle East Point of ViewInternal auditInternal audit in the public sector The quiet revolution It used to be that internal auditing in the publicsector served as a simple administrative procedurecomprised mainly of checking accuracy oftransactions, pre-payment verification and control,counting assets and reporting on past events tovarious types of management. But in recent times,a combination of forces has led to a quietrevolution in the profession. Governments movingtoward higher levels of transparency mustdemonstrate accountability in the use of publicmoney and efficiency in the delivery of services.Larger and more complex operations demandgreater competency and professionalism frominternal auditors to minimize and manage risk.A Middle East Point of View | February 2011 | 41The role of internal auditing can be identified as There are five main pillars that are considered critical forinvolving three main elements evaluation and building an effective internal audit function in the publicimprovement of risk management, control and sector. These are: perception and ownership, improvedgovernance processes. Auditors use tools such as processes and governance, legislative support, improvedfinancial audits, performance audits and investigative incentives and a commitment to change.and advisory services to fulfill each of these roles.Perception and ownershipA more professional internal audit function will be ableto ...