PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR INTERNAL AUDIT Each performance indicator includes: - the actual measure/mechanism - a suggested frequency - comments. 1. COST 1.1 Cost of individual Internal Audit assignments - Quarterly - Target of being within 10% of time and cost budgets on individual assignments 1.2 Productive Internal Audit staff time compared with total Internal Audit staff time - Annually - Target of 80% directly productive time 1.3 Comparison of actual cost with the budgeted or planned cost - Annually - Target of being within 5% of annual budget 1.4 Comparison of cost per audit day with other providers - Every 3 years - Target of being comparable to local market rates - Through market testing or knowledge of actual market rates 1.5 Cost of service compared with similar organisations - Every 3 years - Target of having a comparable cost base to similar organisations 2. AUDIT COVERAGE 2.1 Comparison of actual days input with planned days per assignment - Quarterly/Annually - All significant variances (above 10%) should be explained to the Audit Committee 2.2 Actual areas covered compared with plan - Annually - Target of at least 90% of assignments in the annual plan completed - Explanation of any planned reviews not completed to be provided to the Audit Committee 2.3 Completion of audit assignments by planned dates - Quarterly/Annually - Target of at least 90% of audit ...