UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAINTERNAL AUDIT PLAN2000-01 NARRATIVE & ASSUMPTIONSLAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY1. Available Hours – This is based on resources from five FTE professionals who are assumedto be available throughout the year. In addition, an administrative professional has been hiredin February 2000 primarily to take the responsibility of coordinating Laboratory ContractPerformance Measures independent evaluation, reporting the required Department of EnergyDirector’s Assurance Letter, and monitoring external audit coordination activities. 400 directhours have been budgeted for contract labor. Non-controllable hours at 14% of annual timeare based on recent historical experience.2. Indirect Hours – Indirect hours at 13% is deemed conservative. Actual experience isexpected to be well within this range. It is estimated that Audit Director’s time of less than20% will be allocated for administration versus audit projects.3. Audit Program – There are ten new audits under the program. All new audits except for theAdministrative Controls and Capital Planning and Budgeting are in the top ten high riskareas. We anticipate completion of these new audits at the end of FY2001. To providecoverage for the rest of the high risk areas, we will perform division internal control reviewsand participate in systems reengineering throughout the year.4. Advisory Services – Time allocated for these services are factored in the annual plan basedon prior year’s ...