UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAINTERNAL AUDIT PLANFISCAL YEAR 2001 NARRATIVE & ASSUMPTIONSLos Alamos National Laboratory________________________________________________________________________________________________1. Available Hours— The 2001 fiscal year at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) begins onOctober 1, 2000 and all factors in this plan pertain to this period of time. The audit plan is basedon 8,332 available hours (4.8 FTEs). The number of FTEs includes 4 FTE internal auditors, 0.6FTE Audit Manager, and 0.2 FTE Audits and Assessments Director. The professional staffinglevel is 6 FTEs. 2. Indirect Hours—The estimated indirect percentage of 13% is less than the guidance norm of15%. Professional development for planning purposes includes an allowance of 60 hours perauditor. This allowance accounts for 40 hours for continuing professional education (CPE) and20 hours for other specialized training specific to the Laboratory. 3. Audit Program—The coverage of the Audit Universe is closely related to the high riskcomponents, although there is more coverage of the second tier risks than specified by the annualgoal. All but one of the highest risk areas are covered between the FY 2000 and 2001 auditplans. Eight of the twelve audits scheduled are in the top 13 Tier 3 scores ranging from 580 to730 (Four Tier 3 processes scored 580 points resulting in 13 top risk areas rather than 10). Twoaudits have been scheduled from a process that scored 570 ...