joint executive cabinet & audit panel item 4








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ITEM NO: 4 Report To: JOINT EXECUTIVE CABINET & AUDIT PANEL Date: 1 April 2009 Cabinet Deputy / Reporting Cllr S. R. Oldham – Executive Leader, Tameside MBC. Officer: Steven Pleasant – Deputy Chief Executive, Tameside MBC. James Foster the Audit Commission and Tom Powell from Price Waterhouse Coopers will present the Tameside Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2007/08 to Executive Cabinet and Audit Panel. Subject: COMPREHENSIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 2008 ANNUAL AUDIT AND INSPECTION LETTER 2007/08 Report Summary: Tameside Council has received the top rating of 4 Stars for the sixth year running. Of the eight blocks (themes) which make up the CPA model Tameside achieved the top score of 4 on seven (an improvement of one from 2007). No other single tier authority in the county has achieved this many 4s across the eight CPA blocks. Tameside Council achieved a 4 for Use of Resources in 2008 (retained from CPA 2007), including a 4 for Value for Money (also retained from 2007). Tameside was one of only 20 (out of 150) authorities in England and the only one in the North West to achieve a 4 for Value for Money. Adult Services achieved the top rating of 4 (3-stars in the methodology used by the Commission for Social Care Inspection – CSCI). The Adult Services assessment is made up of nine judgements. Tameside achieved an Excellent judgement on all nine themes of the assessment. The only authority in the country to achieve nine ...
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Report To: Date: Cabinet Deputy / Reporting Officer:
Subject: Report Summary:
ITEM NO: 4 JOINT EXECUTIVE CABINET & AUDIT PANEL 1 April 2009 Cllr S. R. Oldham – Executive Leader, Tameside MBC. Steven Pleasant – Deputy Chief Executive, Tameside MBC. James Foster the Audit Commission and Tom Powell from Price Waterhouse Coopers will present the Tameside Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2007/08 to Executive Cabinet and Audit Panel. COMPREHENSIVE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT 2008 ANNUAL AUDIT AND INSPECTION LETTER 2007/08 Tameside Council has received the top rating of4 Starsfor the sixth year running. Of the eight blocks (themes) which make up the CPA model Tameside achieved the top score of 4 on seven (an improvement of one from 2007). No other single tier authority in the county has achieved this many 4s across the eight CPA blocks. Tameside Council achieved a 4 for Use of Resources in 2008 (retained from CPA 2007), including a 4 for Value for Money (also retained from 2007). Tameside was one of only 20 (out of 150) authorities in England and the only one in the North West to achieve a 4 for Value for Money. Adult Services achieved the top rating of 4 (3-stars in the methodology used by the Commission for Social Care Inspection – CSCI). The Adult Services assessment is made up of nine judgements. Tameside achieved an Excellent judgement on all nine themes of the assessment. The only authority in the country to achieve nine Excellent ratings. The new Corporate Assessment score from 2008 has been included in the CPA 2008 scorecard. Tameside Council achieved a 4 overall (including three 4s and two 3s in the component themes). Only three authorities in England scored more 4s than Tameside. Recommendations:Executive Cabinet and Overview (Audit) Panel are asked to note and comment on the report. Links to Community Strategy:CPA scores are directly linked to the achievement of the Community Strategy. The performance on the key service blocks will have a significant impact on the achievement of the Community Strategy. The Council’s capacity to improve is an important factor in the successful delivery of the Council’s portion of the Tameside Community Strategy. As above.
Policy Implications:
Financial Implications: (Authorised by Borough Treasurer)
Legal Implications: (Authorised by Borough Solicitor)
Risk Management:
Access to Information:
Financially there is little direct benefit from having 4 stars – lower audit fees are the only cash saving to the Council. Indirectly having such status may make some funding applications easier to deliver but this is speculation. The Use of Resources assessment confirms the view that the Council is delivering Value for Money. It is important to good corporate governance that the Council receives the external audit report and acts upon any findings. It is also important to note the recognition given to the very high standards at Tameside. This Independent judgment on the Council’s performance, which also allows for comparative assessment against comparative authorities, provides independent evidence of the Council undertaking its statutory duties and providing excellent services which are value for money and places the authority amongst the top ten Council’s in the country. The CPA model and its replacement from April 2009, Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA), requires ongoing continuous improvement in services if the Council and the Tameside Strategic Partnership are to achieve and sustain top ratings. Papers attached: Appendix 1 – Tameside CPA 2008 scorecard. Appendix 2 – Tameside Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2007/08. The background papers relating to this report and any further information can be obtained from the report writer, Simon Brunet, Performance Advisor, Policy Unit. Telephone :0161 342 3542 e-mail :
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) scorecard 2008 Overall performance for this Council This is a council that isimproving welland demonstrating a4 staroverall performance.
We reached this overall rating by looking at: What progress Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council has made in the last year – direction of travel How Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council manages its finances and provides value for money – use of resources Council's main services perform – service performanceHow Tameside Metropolitan Borough How Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council is run – corporate assessment Service assessments, use of resources and corporate assessments are scored on the Local Services Inspectorate Forum scale: 1 = Inadequate performance – below minimum requirements 2 = Adequate performance – only at minimum requirements  3 = Performing well – consistently above minimum requirements 4 = Performing strongly – well above minimum requirements
Direction of travel
The progress Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council has made in the last year
Direction of travel 2005 2006 2007 This assessment indicates the progress being made, or improving well improving strongly improving stronglyimproving well otherwise, to achieve improvement.
The following summary has been provided to support the 2008 direction of travel assessment: Tameside Council is improving well and continues to build on its track record of strong performance. Many improvements are in services that are important to local people. The area is safer as crime levels continue to fall, and a significant number of new jobs have gone to those in priority neighbourhoods. Investment to enhance the borough’s attractiveness has led to growing resident satisfaction, and praise through national awards. There has been sustained improvement in educational performance and helping young people prepare for work. Adults benefit from improvement to already excellent services that support their independence. The Council has an excellent track record of addressing issues of under-performance in services. While progress has been made in improving the health of residents, it is acknowledged that this is a key issue for the local area. The Council is also strengthening arrangements for the safeguarding of children and young people. Tameside is one of the top performing authorities nationally and has excellent capacity to improve further. It benefits from strong ambition and leadership, as well as highly effective partnership working. Value for money remains excellent.
Use of resources
How Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council manages its finances and provides value for money
Use of resources 2005 2006 2007 2008 We have assessed how well the Council manages its fin value for mone ances and provides 3 3 44 y.
This use of resources judgement is drawn from five individual judgements provided by the Council's appointed auditor:
Auditor judgements Financial reporting Financial management Financial standing Internal control Value for money
2008 3 3 4 4 4
Service performance
How Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council's main services perform
Service area BenefitsThe Council's performance in providing housing and council tax- benefit services as assessed by the Department for Work and Pensions and is based primarily on achievement against the 2005 housing benefits/council tax benefits performance standards. Children and young people- The Council's performance in providing children's services, such as children's education and social care. The joint assessment is made by the Commission for Social Care Inspection and Ofsted following a review of the Council's overall performance and key indicators. Culture- The Council's performance in services, such as libraries and leisure, as assessed by the Audit Commission. Environment- The Council's performance in services, such as transport, planning and waste, as assessed by the Audit Commission. Housing- The Council's performance in community housing and, where applicable, housing management services, as assessed by the Audit Commission. Social care (adults)- The Council's performance in adult social care services. The assessment is made by the Commission for Social Care Inspection following a review of the Council's overall performance and key indicators.
2005 4
3 3 2
2006 4
4 3 3
2007 4
3 4 4
2008 4
4 4 4
Corporate assessment
How Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council is run
Percentage figures may not total 100 per cent due to rounding.
Please visit the Audit Commission website ( for the full version of this scorecard.
Annual Audit and Inspection Letter
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Audit 2007/08
March 2009
Key messages Purpose, responsibilities and scope How is Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council performing? The audit of the accounts and value for money Looking ahead Closing remarks
3 5 6 15 21 22
Status of our reports The Statement of Responsibilities of Auditors and Audited Bodies issued by the Audit Commission explains the respective responsibilities of auditors and of the audited body. Reports prepared by appointed auditors are addressed to members or officers. They are prepared for the sole use of the audited body. Auditors accept no responsibility to:  any member or officer in their individual capacity; or  any third party.
Key messages
Key messages 1This report provides an overall summary of the Audit Commission's assessment of the Council. It draws on the findings and conclusions from the audit of the Council, inspections that have been undertaken in the last year and from a wider analysis of the Council's performance and its improvement over the last year, as measured through the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) framework. This is the final year of CPA, with it being replaced by a new performance assessment framework, the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA). CAA will provide the first holistic independent assessment of the prospects for local areas and the quality of life for people living there. 2The key components of CAA will be a joint inspectorate annual area assessment and reporting performance on the new national indicator set, together with a joint inspectorate annual managing performance assessment and an annual use of resources assessment. The auditors’ use of resources judgements will therefore continue, but their scope will be widened to cover issues such as commissioning and the use of natural resources. 3The report is addressed to the Council, in particular it has been written for councillors, but is available as a public document for stakeholders, including members of the community served by the Council. 4The main messages for the Council included in this report are as follows. high performing authority that is improving well. It remains as one ofTameside is a the top performers nationally with strengths in capacity, managerial and political leadership. The Council, with partners are contributing well to making Tameside a safe place. There is a track-record of strong partnership working to reduce crime and the fear of crime; the strength of multi-agency working will be tested by recent rises in crime. Arrangements for safeguarding children and young people are adequate. The Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) is working effectively and preventative work is strong, but there are areas for improvement that are now being addressed. Future priorities are being severely tested by the recent global economic downturn. The Council, with partners is focusing on responding to the downturn in a proactive manner to keep momentum in areas such as economic growth, skills, housing and regeneration. in revitalising local parks and openSignificant investment continues to be made spaces and this is reflected in rising resident satisfaction. making progress in the important priority of aThe Council and its partners are healthy Tameside, although the scale of the challenge is significant and this remains a key issue for the local area.
3 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Key messages
The Council provides good services for children and young people in most respects. There has been sustained improvement in educational performance and helping young people prepare for work. Adult care services are delivering excellent outcomes with excellent capacity to improve, making Tameside the top ranked adult service in the country. delivery of value for money remains strong.The management of finances and
Action needed by the Council 5The recommendations and priorities for improvement arising from our work have already been included in the reports which are referred to in this letter. 6The key recommendations for Tameside, in relation to these areas are that the Council should: and the new broader use of resourceswork with partners to prepare for CAA assessment. Both of these represent a new challenge and include a much stronger focus on partnership working and demonstrating clear outcomes; improvement highlighted in the 2008 Joint Area Review torespond to the areas for further improve services to children and young people; work with partners to continue to prioritise and accelerate efforts to improve the health and well-being of local residents; and continue to actively respond to the global economic downturn. This is exerting pressure across a number of key services, with often a disproportional impact on more vulnerable groups.
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council 4
Purpose, responsibilities and scope
Purpose, responsibilities and scope 7This report provides an overall summary of the Audit Commission's assessment of the Council. It draws on the most recent Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), the findings and conclusions from the audit of the Council for 2007/08 and from any inspections undertaken since the last Annual Audit and Inspection Letter. It also includes the results of the most recent corporate assessment. 8We have addressed this letter to members as it is the responsibility of the Council to ensure that proper arrangements are in place for the conduct of its business and that it safeguards and properly accounts for public money. We have made recommendations to assist the Council in meeting its responsibilities. 9This letter also communicates the significant issues to key external stakeholders, including members of the public. We will publish this letter on the Audit Commission website atwitud.awwssmiom-c.vog.noi .ku(In addition the Council is planning to publish it on its website). 10Your appointed auditor is responsible for planning and carrying out an audit that meets the requirements of the Audit Commission’s Code of Audit Practice (the Code). Under the Code, your appointed auditor reviews and reports on: the Council’s accounts; whether the Council has made proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources (value for money conclusion); and whether the Council's best value performance plan has been prepared and published in line with legislation and statutory guidance. 11assessment on the Council’s performance under the CPAThis letter includes the latest framework, including our Direction of Travel report and the results of any inspections carried out by the Audit Commission under section 10 of the Local Government Act 1999. It summarises the key issues arising from the CPA and any such inspections. Inspection reports are issued in accordance with the Audit Commission’s duty under section 13 of the 1999 Act. 12We have listed the reports issued to the Council relating to 2007/08 audit and inspection work at the end of this letter.
5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
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