eHealth Platforms for Personal Health: Model-based Analysis and Design of Ad-vanced Security and Privacy Services ICMCC 2010 Tutorial 1Bernd BLOBEL eHealth Competence Center, Regensburg University Hospital, Regensburg, Germany Abstract. The tutorial is based on long term international lecturing experiences at university level as well as common efforts performed in the EFMI WG “Security, Safety and Ethics (SSE)” and EFMI WG “Electronic Health Records (EHR)”. It addresses requirements and solutions for secure, reliable, trustworthy Health In-formation Systems (HIS) and Health Networks (HN) reflecting results of several international and European standards and projects but also related national and re-gional activities. It aims at providing a platform for information/discussion on le-gal, social, behavioral, organizational, and technical aspects/implications for trustworthy Health Telematics. The tutorial provides a comprehensive overview on security threats, risks, and, in particular, solutions in modern distributed Health In-formation Systems including Health Networks aiming at communication and ap-plication security. A special focus will be put on formally modeling security and privacy services embedded in advanced systems' architectures. Taking the recent developments in European countries and beyond into account, personalized porta-ble devices including cards will play an increasing role in providing IT-based health services. Devices for citizens ...