ee-ee-Impact BencImpact Benchmark ReReReReporrrrt A balanced scorecard approach to measuring and improving your return on web investments Hillwatch e-Impact Benchmark Report gives you a roadmap to on-line excellence Hillwatch Inc., #200, 334 MacLaren St. Ottawa, ON K2P 0M6 Tel (613) 238-8700 Fax (613) 234-9823 e-Impact Benchmark Report Moments of truth A new standard for “site performance” Your web site may be the first point of contact with your Site performance has traditionally been measured through a organization. This first impression is a ‘moment of truth’ – it sets combination of technical reports, rudimentary traffic analysis, the tone, establishes perceptions and fixes expectations from that focus groups, surveys and usability studies. Too often, tactical point forward. It is critical that the interaction be successful, positive issues such as download times, links status, number of visitors, and engaging. pages accessed, and focus group reports dominate what should be a strategic discussion on site effectiveness. And all too often, Is your site making an impact? Are you setting yourself apart from subjective bias clouds the substantive debate on the appropriate your competitors? Are you assuming a leadership role in your peer metrics to evaluate site performance. group? Does your on-line communication support your organization’s initiatives? Do you have the right tools to measure Until now. your ...