Assessing theWorkforce Development NeedsAnd Resources of Your CommunityCONDUCTINGACOMMUNITYAUDITPPrreeppaarreedd bbyy WWoorrkkffoorrccee LLeeaarrnniinngg SSttrraatteeggiieessFor theEmployment and Training AdministrationOffice of Adult ServicesAugust 2000ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS*This resource manual was prepared by Workforce Learning Strategies , under a contractwith the U.S. Department of Labor. The manual is one component of the Department’sCommunity Audit Project.The wider project is being informed by an “expert panel”, composed of distinguishedcollegues from many communities of practice including the workforce investmentcommunity, labor, business, philanthropic organizations, economic developmentorganizations, policy organizations, and the academy. The authors would like to expressour appreciation to the panel members for their time and expertise. The expert panelincluded: Michael Calabrese, Center for National Policy; Margaret Clark, Aspen Institute;John Colborn, The Ford Foundation; Michael Curran, NOVA PIC; Chip Evans, VermontHuman Resource Investment Council; Evelyn Ganzglass, National Governors’Association; Bruce Herman, Working for America Institute, AFL-CIO; Louis Jackson,Westat; Michael Kane, Mt. Auburn Associates; Joe Fischer, National Association ofWorkforce Boards; Robert Lanter, California Workforce Association; Michael D.Lawrence, North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission;Robert Lerman, The Urban ...