714 Hopmeadow Street ٠ Suite 3 Simsbury, Connecticut 06070 860٠658٠5058 July 5, 2005 Office of Participant Assistance Employee Benefits Security Administration US Department of Labor, Room N-5623 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 Re: 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings Dear Sir or Madam: 1The NDCC/SPARK Institute, Inc. (“SPARK”) appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Department’s request for comments concerning the 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings (“2006 Summit”). SPARK believes that the following topics are of critical importance and should be addressed at the 2006 Summit: 1. Automatic Retirement Savings 2. Retirement Income Planning 3. Retirement Plans for Small Businesses SPARK represents the interests of a broad based cross section of retirement plan service providers, including banks, mutual fund companies, insurance companies, third party administrators and benefits consultants. SPARK members include most of the largest service providers in the retirement plan industry and the combined membership services more than 95 percent of all defined contribution plan participants. SPARK members have significant experience with employee behavior in retirement plans because of our role in the industry. Our members are the plan service providers that are largely responsible for delivering participant education to a substantial majority of retirement plans. ...