EUROPEAN PROGRAMMES ON WORK AND LABOUR INNOVATION – A BENCHMARKING APPROACH Tuomo Alasoini, Tiina Hanhike, Maarit Lahtonen, Elise Ramstad WORK-IN-NET Labour and innovation: Work-oriented innovations – a key to better employment, cohesion and competitiveness in a knowledge-intensive society 2 3Contents Preface 5 1 Purpose and content of the report 7 2 Framework and implementation of the benchmarking exercise 92.1 Naschold’s ‘best practice’ model for national workplace development strategies 92.2 Updating Naschold – changing economic and policy context for workplace development programmes and strategies 112.3 Purpose and implementation of the benchmarking exercise 14 3 Research and development activities of the participants in comparison 183.1 Profiles of the participants’ research and development activities 183.2 Policy context 243.3 Orientation 283.4 Participation 323.5 Infrastructure 353.6 Horizontal networking 393.7 Aims vs. resources 43 4 Conclusions and recommendations 474.1 Main findings of the benchmarking exercise 474.2 Topics for discussion and further examination 49 References 55 4 5Preface This report contains the main findings of the benchmarking exercise that was carried out in Spring 2005 as part of the WORK-IN-NET project. The full name of the project is ‘Labour and Innovation: Work-Oriented Innovations – a Key to Better Employment, Cohesion and Competitiveness in a Knowledge-Intensive ...