AUDIT PLAN Classification Audit – Planner Series Study AUDIT PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this audit is to review agencies’ allocations to the new classifications available in the Planner Series Classification Study. The audit will also include a review of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status and service type designations for each position selected for review. REFERENCES ORS 240.195; 240.200; 240.205; 240.210; 240.212; and 243.650 define the categories of state service. ORS 240.215 discusses the responsibilities of the Human Resource Services Division and agencies relative to maintaining and using a statewide classification plan. This ORS also provides the authority for the HR Audit Program to perform post-audit reviews of agencies’ allocations to classifications. HRSD State Policy 30.000.01 Position Management states in relevant part: “State agencies shall manage work assignments within the budgeted position classification levels. Accordingly, an appointing authority shall: • (1)(a) Develop and maintain a complete and up-to-date position description for each position which accurately describes the duties, authorities and responsibilities assigned by management; (b) Allocate each position to the available class that best depicts the assigned duties, authorities and responsibilities and maintain written documentation of allocation decision rationale; (c) Determine and maintain accurate statutory assignment or representation ...