ConfirmedHIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATIONAUDIT COMMITTEEMinutes of the twenty-ninth meeting held on 12 March 2002 in the Boardroom,Queen Square House.MembersMr N Watt (Chair) Mr D HoulistonMrs L PhippsIn attendanceMs L Allen, Executive Support Officer Mr M Briggs, Contracts and Purchasing OfficerMr G Collins, Director of Finance Mr S Denton, University SecretaryMs R J Earl, UNIAC Dr G Hitchins, Deputy Vice-ChancellorMr M Hodge, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Mr G Long, UNIACProfessor L Wagner, Vice-Chancellor20 Apologies for absenceMrs V Sharma Mrs L Wharmby21 Declaration of interest21.1 Members’ attention was drawn to the requirement of Article 7.9 that ‘if aGovernor has a pecuniary, business, family or other personal interest in anymatter under discussion, that Governor shall declare such interest and shalltake no part in the consideration of the matter and shall not vote on it.’21.2 No declarations were made.22 MinutesRESOLVEDThat the minutes of the twenty-eighth meeting held on 20 November 2001 beconfirmed, subject to an amendment to the last sentence of minute 6.2 toread ‘PWC further confirmed that because the provision was within sensiblemateriality of being accurate, it was not appropriate to refer to it in theaccounts.’Aud29m.doc23 Matters arising23.1 External auditor’s management letter (minute 6.1 refers)23.1.1 The Committee noted that discussions continued between the University’sadvisors and HM Customs and Excise on the VAT position of ...